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Avatar of Dot Glindemann
Dot GlindemannFlag for Australia

asked on

How can I set up a report to record entries per month for the whole year

Hi, I have a spreadsheet that works well but Ihave to set it up for each year by changing the formula from 2017 to 2018.

This is the sample of the formula I am using for my 2017 Rport:

I am using my date column (B) to count how many times something is recorded for each month and I have used rows 7 to 502 as I don't expect to have more than 502 entries for the year.

=COUNTIFS('2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,">31 Dec 2016",'2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,"<01 Feb 2017")
=COUNTIFS('2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,">31 Jan 2017",'2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,"<01 Mar 2017")
Up until Dec where I use;
=COUNTIFS('2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,">30 Nov 2017",'2017 Register'!$B$7:$B$502,"<01 Jan 2018")

I don't want ot have to do this for each year, I would rather use a drop down menu / box that I can choose the year from and the formula references the year chosen in this cell.

I have attached the spreadsheet that I currently use that does work but I would love something less time consuming.

Thanks in advance. Dot
Avatar of Rob Henson
Rob Henson
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Can you upload a version of the file with some sample data so we can see how the data is entered?

Avatar of Rob Henson
Rob Henson
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Hi Rob, I have added some very basic data as you suggested. I hope that this has enough data for you to see what I am trying to achieve. Thanks Dot
Nothing attached
See attached with your samples.

To be honest, all I was checking was that the entries in column B on the Register sheet were genuine dates so that they can be compared correctly with the dates generated on the Report sheet.
Thank you for your patiemce Rob. Your solution will help me greatly. Thanks Dot
You're welcome, glad to be of assistance.