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shieldscoFlag for United States of America

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Access VBA Create Word Header on Each Page

I'm using the following code and would like to create a Word header on each page. Thoughts?

Function Export2DOC(sQuery As String)
    Dim oWord           As Object
    Dim oWordDoc        As Object
    Dim oWordTbl        As Object
    Dim bWordOpened     As Boolean
    Dim db              As DAO.Database
    Dim rs              As DAO.Recordset
    Dim iCols           As Integer
    Dim iRecCount       As Integer
    Dim iFldCount       As Integer
    Dim i               As Integer
    Dim j               As Integer
    Const wdPrintView = 3
    Const wdWord9TableBehavior = 1
    Const wdAutoFitFixed = 0
    'Start Word
   On Error Resume Next
    Set oWord = GetObject("Word.Application")    'Bind to existing instance of Word
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then    'Could not get instance of Word, so create a new one
        On Error GoTo Error_Handler
        Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.application")
        bWordOpened = False
    Else    'Word was already running
        bWordOpened = True
    End If
    On Error GoTo Error_Handler
    oWord.Visible = False   'Keep Word hidden until we are done with our manipulation
    Set oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add   'Start a new document
    'Open our SQL Statement, Table, Query
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblSearch")
    With rs
        If .RecordCount <> 0 Then
            .MoveLast   'Ensure proper count
            iRecCount = .RecordCount + 1    'Number of records returned by the table/query
            iFldCount = .Fields.Count   'Number of fields/columns returned by the table/query
            oWord.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView 'Switch to print preview mode (not req&#39;d just a personal preference)
            oWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=oWord.Selection.Range, NumRows:=iRecCount, NumColumns:= _
                                            iFldCount, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= _
            'Build our Header Row

            Set oWordTbl = oWordDoc.Tables(1)
            oWordTbl.Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True
            For i = 0 To iFldCount - 1
                oWordTbl.Cell(1, i + 1) = rs.Fields(i).Name
            Next i

            i = 2 ' first row of data goes in 2nd row of table

            'Build our data rows
            Set oWordTbl = oWordDoc.Tables(1)

            Do Until rs.EOF = True
                For j = 0 To iFldCount - 1
                    oWordTbl.Cell(i, j + 1) = Nz(rs.Fields(j).Value, "")
                Next j
                i = i + 1
            MsgBox "There are no records returned by the specified queries/SQL statement.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "No data to generate an Word spreadsheet with"
            GoTo Error_Handler_Exit
        End If
    End With
    '    oWordDoc.Close True, sFileName 'Save and close
    'Close Word if is wasn't originally running
    '    If bWordOpened = False Then
    '        oWord.Quit
    '    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    oWord.Visible = True   'Make Word visible to the user
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Set oWordTbl = Nothing
    Set oWordDoc = Nothing
    Set oWord = Nothing
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "The following error has occured" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
           "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
           "Error Source: Export2DOC" & vbCrLf & _
           "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
           , vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "An Error has Occured!"
    Resume Error_Handler_Exit
End Function

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Is this a duplicate of this (solved) question Access VBA Add Column Heading to All Word Page?
Avatar of shieldsco


No - I want to add a Word Header to each page not column headings as in the previous post. The text in the header = " Appendix of Appeals"
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I was wondering if early or late binding was being used and was going to substitute wdHeaderFooterPrimary with it's value but earlier in the code Word VBA constants are being used, for example.
 oWord.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView 

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I was wondering if early or late binding was being used and was going to substitute wdHeaderFooterPrimary with it's value but earlier in the code Word VBA constants are being used, for example.
yes Norie, so in this case, if we're not adding a reference of Microsoft Word Object library, then we shall define a Constant for wdHeaderFooterPrimary if we wish to use it in the codes.
Thank you