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CSS layout issue - Chrome

The web page at this link has some layout issues:

Label A:  The image is being cut off.  How to fix?

Label B:  The small gap above the horizontal nav menu.  When I scroll down the gap goes away?  Why?  How to fix?

NOTE:  I am making use of z-index and fixed positioning to acheive the "sticky" nav menu and carousel at the top of the page.

Thanks in advance for any help.  : )

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                            <a id="jpacksclick" href="?page=jpacksclick">JACKPACKS</a>
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    <div style="position:fixed;

    <h1 id="sectiontitle" class="centerelement" style="position:fixed;

    <!-- welcome home section -->
    <div style="clear:both;position:relative;" id="welcome" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionshow hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">Welcome to the main page of the Utah Kids Foundation</p>

        <p class="centerelement" style="margin:0 auto;width:500;">Be sure to check-out our
            <a href="#events" class="listhover hvr-pop">Events</a> page for special-needs family-friendly activities for kids as well as training and educational workshops
            (special-needs and otherwise) that cater more to the parents.</p>
        <p style="margin-top:30;" class="centerelement">Other "hot topics" include our
            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank">UKF Forum on Facebook</a> and our
            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="#forumrules">Forum Rules</a> (always a crowd-pleaser).</p>

        <!-- ukf logo -->
        <div class="centerelement">
            <img style="top:520;margin:0 auto;width:150;height:auto;" src="/images/mainpage/ukflogo.png">

    <!-- jackpacks section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="jpacks" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
            <img src="images/jackpacks/jp.png" alt="..." class="img-responsive center-block" />

        <p class="centerelement" style="width:500;margin:0 auto;">
            Every August, we offer jackpacks to help those in our community in need of school supplies. Below is a list of school supplies
            we collect throughout the year. Donations are much appreciated.
        <ul style="margin:0 auto;width:200;">
            <li>Spiral notebooks</span>
            <li>Packs of lined paper</li>
            <li>24 count crayons</li>
            <li>Pencil boxes</li>
            <li>Hand sanitizers</li>
            <li>Small tissue packs</li>
            <li>12 count colored pencils</li>
            <li>8+ count colored markers</li>
            <li>Glue sticks</li>
            <li>Pencil sharpeners</li>
            <li>1 inch binders</li>
        <p style="margin-top:30;" class="centerelement">Application forms are available late July of each year.</p>

    <!-- meet our utah kids secion-->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="meetkids" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">. . : : under construction : : . .</p>

    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="medsupexch" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">When re-homing medical supplies, priority is given to those without DME coverage.</p>
        <p class="centerelement">We rotate the list based-upon location and who has been waiting the longest for supplies. Contact an admin for special

    <!-- empty stocking fund section-->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="esf" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement" style="margin:0 auto;width:800;">The Empty Stocking Fund came to life in 2014. We had the goal of assisting 3 families who were struggling with medical
            debt and did not qualify for other Christmas assistance programs. We were able to assist 81 individuals in our
            first year! This year we are hoping to assist up to 150 individuals with at least one special needs child in
            the home who are struggling and needing assistance. We are now accepting cash and general gift donations (please
            see our donate menu tab for ideas). Our applications for those in need will open this fall.</p>

        <p style="margin-top:10;" class="centerelement">(to find-out more, click the banner button below)</p>

        <p class="centerelement" style="color:red;">
            <strong>NOTE: Applications for assistance are not available until October 1st.</strong>

        <p class="centerelement" style="margin-top:50px;">
            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="#esfdonate">
                <img src="images/esf/esfdonappinfo.png" />

    <!-- list of non-profits section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="listofnonprofits" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">. . : : under construction : : . .</p>

    <!-- easter egg hunt section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="easteregghunt" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">. . : : under construction : : . .</p>

        <!--   <div style="position:relative;clear:both;margin: 0 10%;width:80%;background:#EEEEEE;padding-bottom:40px;">
                  <div class="popup-gallery hvr-pop" ng-repeat="item in records">
                    <a href="images/gallerypics/2017/Easter/big/{{item}}.jpg" titl="" style="float:left;margin:5px;" target="_self">
                      <img src="images/gallerypics/2017/Easter/thumbs/{{item}}.jpg" width="75" height="75">
                </div> -->

    <!-- sponsorship section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="sponsorship" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">
            <embed src="" width="90%" style="height:700px;margin:0 auto;"

    <!-- events section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="events" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">To add a new event to the calendar please contact our Events Coordinator at
            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" hef=""></a>.</p>

        <iframe src=";wkst=1&amp;hl=en&amp;bgcolor=%23909EAB&amp;;color=%232F6309&amp;ctz=America%2FDenver"
            class="centerelement" style="border-width:5;margin:2% 10%;width:80%;" width="90%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


    <!-- donate section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="donate" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">

        <p style="padding-left:40px;">(to make a financial donation, click one of the banner buttons below)</p>
        <a style="padding-left:40px;" class="hvr-pop" href=""
            <img src="images/donimg/Jackpacks PayPal.png" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <a style="padding-left:40px;" class="hvr-pop" href=""
            <img src="images/donimg/General-Fund.png" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <a style="padding-left:40px;" class="hvr-pop" href=""
            <img src="images/donimg/Empty-Stocking-Fund.png" />
        <br />
        <br />
        <a style="padding-left:40px;" class="hvr-pop" href=""
            <img src="images/donimg/Events.png" />

        <p style="padding-left:40px;">We are accepting year-round donations of the following items:</p>

        <ul style="padding-left:40px;">
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Packing Tape</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Scotch Tape / Double-sided tape</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Stamps / Postage Costs</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Christmas Stockings</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Stocking Stuffers</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">New Throw Blankets (Knit,crochet or fabric)</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">New Winter Scarves</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">New Winter Mittens</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">New or "Like New" Books for children or teens</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">New or "Like New" Winter coats / boots</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Shirt boxes</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Packages of new socks for children</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Packages of new underwear for children</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Christmas wrapping paper</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Computer paper, 8.5" x 11"</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Bulk candy (important: must come pre-packaged individually wrapped)</li>
            <li style="float:left;clear:left;">Most medical supplies</li>
        <div id="normalTaxID" style="position: relative; color: black; clear: both;padding-top:30px;width:80%;margin:0 40px;">
            Your gift is tax-deductible to the limit permitted by law. The Utah Kids Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity. Our tax ID number
            is: 47-1055928

    <!-- contact section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="contact" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">
            <embed src="" width="90%" height="100%" />

    <!-- blog section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="blog" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">. . : : under construction : : . .</p>

    <!-- our mission section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="ourmission" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">
        <p class="centerelement">The mission of the Utah Kids Foundation is to support all special needs families in Utah by:</p>

        <p class="centerelement">
                <ol style="margin:0 auto;width:800;">
                    <li style="width:600;margin:0 auto;line-height: 1.3em;display:inline;padding-left:0;">Sharing information about doctors and resources in the community.</li>
                    <li>Facilitating the legal exchange of spare supplies.</li>
                    <li>Providing comfort and support when our children are inpatient.</li>
                    <li>Sharing community events that are open to and accessible to special needs families</li>
        <br />
        <br />
        <p class="centerelement" style="margin:0 auto;width:80%;">We have a short video introduction to Utah Kids Foundation on YouTube featuring our CEO / Executive Director, Syndi
        <br />
        <br />
        <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen style="margin:0 20%;width:70%;"></iframe>

    <!-- meet our board members section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="boardmembers" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">

        <div style="margin:0 auto;width:90%;">

                <strong>Syndi Knowlton</strong>
            <h4>(CEO / Executive Director)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/syndi.jpg" border="0" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Syndi Knowlton is no stranger to the special needs community. At the age of 9, her youngest brother was born
                and later diagnosed with Aspbergers and Tourette’s syndrome. She and her husband Tom have 3 children, all
                with special needs. Her oldest daughter has Ehler-Danlos Syndrome. Her son is on the Autism spectrum. Her
                youngest daughter has Rett Syndrome and Angelman Syndrome. They are her inspiration.</p>
            <p class="bm">Syndi owned an adaptive clothing line for 4 years before she moved on to advocacy work. She hosted 2 successful
                fundraisers in Utah for Rett Syndrome in 2009 and 2010. In 2012, she began an online support network on Facebook
                called Utah Kids.
            <p class="bm">In 2012, Syndi joined the Epilepsy Association of Utah working with Syndrome Specific Disorders. Syndi recognized
                that information for almost any need could be found on the internet but it was often a tireless process…
                thus the birth of the Utah Kids Foundation. Currently, the Utah Kids Foundation has around 3700 members.</p>
            <p class="bm">Syndi's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Marcie Joos</strong>
            <h4>(Vice President)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/mjoos.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">My name is Marcie Joos and I live in Davis County. I have three children, a daughter and two boys. My daughter
                is my oldest and loves to dance. My middle child has ADHD and behavior issues that are currently being looked
                into. My younger son was born early at 28 weeks weighing 2 pounds and spent seven weeks in the NICU. I was
                rear ended in a car accident when I was 26 weeks along by a man texting and driving. After hospital bed rest
                for two weeks my little man came into his world. He has been fighting from day one. He had a Coarc repair
                on his heart, a current murmur, silent aspiration, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, low muscle tone, gastroparesis,
                pseudo obstruction, chronic anemia, and sleep apena. He is TPN dependent through his central line and has
                a gjtube for 24 hour venting. My children have taught me to never give up and to be a strong voice for others.
            <p class="bm">I am a stay at home mother. I love to go out on dates with my husband . As a family we like to take our kids
                swimming, camping at the cabin and taking them out on the four wheeler. I am very involved in all my my kids
                education volunteering in the schools and in my home. </p>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Brandee Garvoille</strong>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/brandee.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Hello, my name is Brandee Garvoille, and I am the Autism and Insurance Consultant for the Utah Kids Foundation!
                I was born and raised in West Valley, and the furthest I moved away from home was 11.3 miles, to West Jordan,
                I’m an only child and a HUGE mama’s girl (and my kids are pretty much Grandma Trace’s whole world)!</p>
            <p class="bm">At 19, I started working for SelectHealth (which was then IHC Health Plans). The six years that I was there,
                I worked as a claims processor/member services, enrollment processor and customer service coordinator for
                both small group and individual sales. While working there I also became a certified medical coder. I learned
                all the ins and outs of the insurance carrier side of things, and then was recruited to work for an agent
                at his agency, The Insurance Exchange. In 2006 I became a licensed Health/Life Insurance Producer. Not only
                do I manage the entire agency, I sell, and have my own book of business. The knowledge that I gained while
                working at SelectHealth has become invaluable in my role as an insurance agent, as a special needs parent
                and as a member of the Utah Kids Board.
            <p class="bm">6 months after I started working for IHC, I married the love of my life and best friend, Andrew Garvoille. We
                wanted to start a family right away, but the babies never came. After several miscarriages, we decided to
                become foster parents. In February of 2003, 3-year old Carter came to live with us; he has been diagnosed
                with Asperger’s, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, ADHD, PTSD and Reactive Attachment Disorder. In May of 2004, we
                were able to adopt him! He is 15 years old now, and is SUPER smart (almost too smart for his own good)! He
                loves video games, LEGOS and anything he can take apart and put back together.</p>
            <p class="bm">In September of 2004, at just 4 weeks old, KayCee came to live with us (we were able to adopt her in July of
                2005). At that time she was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, and only weighed 7 pounds; she is now a rambunctious
                10 year-old chatter box that never stops moving! She has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal
                Alcohol Syndrome and ADHD. She loves to play with her friends, anything Sophia the First, or Curious George
                and tormenting her big brother!</p>
            <p class="bm">My kids are my biggest test, and my greatest reward! I don’t know why my children had to take the road they did
                to come to us, but they were definitely meant to be part of our family! My family is complete, and I wouldn’t
                trade any of it, even the hard days, for anything in the world!</p>
            <p class="bm">I’m so excited to be on the Utah Kids board and work with such amazing people, and be support for all of the
                amazing special needs families in Utah! Feel free to contact me, if you ever need help with anything!!
                <p class="bm">
                    <p class="bm">My favorite quote is, “When God leads you to the edge of a cliff, trust him fully. Only two things can
                        happen; either he will catch you when you fall, or he will teach you how to fly.”
                    <br />
                    <p class="bm">Brandee's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                        <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
                    <br />
                    <br />
                    <p style="clear: both;"></p>
                    <br />
                    <br />

                <strong>Melissa Christensen</strong>
            <h4>(Northern Utah Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/ScottMelissa.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Melissa Christensen brings more than 12 years of personal experience dealing with special needs kids to the Utah
                Kids Foundation. She and her husband Scott have one child that is Autistic and 1 child that has been diagnosed
                with Microcephaly early in his life, but since has been diagnosed with many other things. They've spent many
                hours in therapy, doctors’ offices and hospitals dealing with the things that plague their children. They've
                become experts in dealing with many things...from feeding tubes, to central lines, doctors, therapy and yes
                even poop. : ) Melissa looks forward to being able to share what she has learned in order to help other families
                and make their lives easier.
            <p class="bm">She stands ready to help no matter what the situation. She's elected to be responsible for helping families in
                Northern Utah. Please email her at:

                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <p class="bm">with any requests, questions, etc. You can also find Melissa on Facebook. She looks forward to getting to know
                each family.
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Molly Barrington</strong>
            <h4>(Fundraising and Events)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/20205_186.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Hello, my name is Molly Barrington and I live in Pleasant Grove. I grew up with three brothers. Two of them had
                Lowe Syndrome which caused very severe disabilities and complex medical issues. My husband, Dave, and I have
                one son who is our pride and joy. Our Jonny has Lowe syndrome also. I have worked with the special needs
                community in one form or another, my entire life. I have also worked professionally as a medical assistant.
                <br />
                <br />I really enjoy working with Utah Kids Foundation because of the support that we are able to give each other.
                Everyone needs to be heard and understood and this is a place where that can happen.
                <br />
                <br />My mother taught me that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness and I try to live my life
                that way.
            <p class="bm">Molly's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Nadine Stoliby Braxton</strong>
            <h4>(Events Coordinator)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/nadine.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">
                Nadine is the grandmother of 8 year old Dakota, who is high functioning Autistic, has ODD, SPD, ADHD and some anxiety issues.
                She is a huge advocate for her grandson, especially at school, as this is where he had the most problems.
                Nadine came to Utah from Texas because of work and her daughter Jessi and Dakota lived with her in Texas
                so they came with her. Her mother, Lena also came to Utah from Arizona and they all live together. So, Dakota
                has 3 very strong and compassionate ladies in his life. Nadine works as a Prepress Technician Lead at Quad
            <p class="bm">
                Nadine is Native American and a tribal member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. She loves Pow Wows and rodeo tries to get
                Dakota to go to these events. Dakota's passion is trains and legos, Nadine takes him to all the model train
                shows that are within driving distance. Dakota will stay at a train show from the time it opens until the
                time it closes and it doesn't matter how many times he has to look at the same thing. Nadine volunteered
                to be the events coordinator for Utah Kids Foundation after she joined the Facebook group. She wanted to
                give back to the group because there was so much information and comradery within the group. Nadine and her
                family live in Bountiful.
            <p class="bm">Feel free to contact her through the
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a> email to add any events to our calendar. She also will post the event on
                the Utah Kids Foundation Facebook feed.
            <p class="bm">(Pictured by generation, left to right: Great Grandma Lena with Chase, Nadine, Jessi and Dakota in front.)
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Karen Cox</strong>
            <h4>(Cache Valley Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/karencox.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">My name is Karen Cox and I live in Paradise, Utah. My husband and I met 31 years ago while we were attending
                Utah State University. We are the proud parents of 4 children, and also have the most amazing 6 grandchildren.</p>
            <p class="bm">Our son Ben is 26 and has Opitz C Syndrome and Asperger Syndrome. Having a child with a rare syndrome has taught
                us many things, advocacy, faith, patience and lots and lots of unconditional love. Ben’s symptoms have calmed
                down somewhat with age but he still struggles with being deaf/blind, being a room walker, low stamina, more
                ear infections and surgeries than I can count, headaches and every bug that even thinks about going through
                his day program.
            <p class="bm">I have served in Cache Valley and in the state as a parent representative on various advisory committees and
                boards. I have co-taught at Utah State University as a parent representative in special education classes
                and worked as a parent consult for USU. My goal is to help people who work with and future teachers of children
                with special needs to take care, not only with the child but also the family. To listen and learn from the
                families, to help them realize the family is the greatest advocate and teacher regarding their child. I also
                want to help families who have children with special needs get the services and attention they need. When
                Ben was about 3 I decided if I could help just one family learn something the easy way, instead of how we
                learned it the hard way, it would be a very good thing.</p>
            <p class="bm">In my spare time I work with the Early Intervention Program, listen to lots of music, read lots of books, spoil
                my family, and follow bicycle riders on crazy long bike rides.</p>
            <p class="bm">My favorite quote is from my physical therapist, “Never Give In!”</p>
            <br />
            <p class="bm">Karen's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Kris McFadden</strong>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/kris.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Kris McFadden brings over 20 years of accounting experience to the position of Treasurer. Most of this time has
                been with one and later two boys with special needs at home. Kris and his wife have three boys. The oldest
                is as "normal" as a child of his could hope to be. The younger two have a rare condition called L1 Syndrome.</p>
            <p class="bm">Kris has had to become the health insurance expert at work and been asked to look into different healthcare plans
                to help his company select the best plans. He has learned that although his boys may have the same diagnosis,
                that they are completely unique in personality, temperament and diffabilities. And yes, Kris said "Diffabilities,
                we all have different abilities including our special needs kids."</p>
            <br />
            <p class="bm">Kris's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Nicole Ludwig</strong>
            <h4>(Davis County Coordinator)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/n5.jpg" style="height:30%; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-right:20px; float:left; transform: rotate(0deg);"
            <p class="bm">Nicole Ludwig is a stay at home mom of 3 kids (4 if you count the husband). Her oldest is her son has PTSD, DMDD,
                type 3 ADHD, and possibly ASD (causing academic and social delays). He also has other medical issues. Her
                middle daughter is medically considered neurotypical, although she shows signs of anxiety and precocious
                puberty. Her youngest daughter has been through a ton in her little life. She was diagnosed with FTT at 8
                months old and was on the ng feeding tube for a year and a half, had tons of issues with her kidneys (now
                resolved), failed a swallow study and has officially joined the tubie world by getting a g-tube placed.
            <p class="bm">She brings with her a willingness and desire to learn, help and research. She has the ability to mentally store
                information and recall it as needed to help others out. She dedicates her life to her kids and making sure
                they are well taken care of. She will do her best to help anyone in need.</p>

            <p class="bm">In her spare time, she likes to pull weeds, play video games with her kids, surf facebook, color in books and
                on sidewalks, research information for her family and for others and create projects only to half-finish
                them. When able, she enjoys camping, fishing and riding her mom's ATVs.</p>
            <br />
            <p class="bm">Nicole's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Patience L. Jaramillo</strong>
            <h4>(Social Media Director)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/pa.jpg" style="height:30%; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-right:20px; float:left; transform: rotate(0deg);"
            <p class="bm">Hello, I am Patience L. Jaramillo. I have a wonderful 5 year old little boy who was born at 28 weeks weighing
                2 lbs 10 ounces. He spent 55 days at UVRMC in Provo, Utah. I feel lucky and blessed to have been given such
                a wonderful little boy. He has been diagnosed with a hearing disability (corrected by hearing aids), ADHD,
                and he may possibly have autism. My son is witty, smart, and the most lovable human being I have ever met.
                We love fishing, camping, and football. I am excited to be taking over social media. I hope to be able to
                bring in some of the younger special needs moms.
            <br />
            <p class="bm">Patience's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

                <strong>Tammy Will</strong>
            <h4>(Director of Philanthropy)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/twill.jpg" style="height: 30%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <p class="bm">Tammy Will is a transplant from New York and brings over 20 years of experience in start-up business and non-profit
                promotion and structure, grant writing, strategic planning programs, economic development, acquisitions,
                tourism and Native American health and education programs. Tammy owned her own businesses for over 30 yrs.
                She is a graduate of the State University of New York and has served on various non-profit boards and chambers.
                Tammy is the past president of a local New York chapter of BPW/USA. She is a member of the Lions International.
                She has received various awards through the years for a variety of community service and programs.
            <p class="bm">Tammy's email is:&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank"></a>
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <!--   <p class="bm">
                       <a href="#boardmembers" class="hvr-pop aforceblue" target="_self">Back to top of page</a>
                       <p /> -->

            <h4>(Fundraising / Volunteering Coordinator)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genfemale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <h4>(Eastern Utah Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genfemale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <h4>(Tooele Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genmale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genmale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <h4>(Salt Lake City Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p class="bm">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genfemale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <h4>(Programs Manager)</h4>
            <p style="width: auto; height: auto;">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genfemale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <h4>(Utah County Parent Advocate)</h4>
            <p style="width: auto; height: auto;">
                <img src="images/bmembs/genfemale.jpg" style="width: 10%; height: 15%; border: 0; float: left; margin-right: 20px;" />
            <br />
            <br />
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <br />
            <br />

            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
            <p class="bm"></p>
            <p style="clear: both;"></p>
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        <p class="centerelement">. . : : under construction : : . .</p>

    <!-- forum rules section -->
    <div style="margin-top:340;" id="forumrules" class="w3-animate-opacity sectionhide hideablesection">

        <p class="centerelement" style="color: black;">The purpose of Utah Kids is to help the parents of special needs children:
        <p style="margin-top:30px;">
            <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:0 auto;">Have a safe place to ask difficult questions about the care of their special needs children, in a forum where
                they are surrounded by the parents of children just like theirs.
            <div class="centerelement" style="font-size:1.5em; color:red">
                <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
            <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:0 auto;">
                Exchange free medical equipment or facilitate the sale of medical equipment.&nbsp;&nbsp;Items may be sold for your out-of-pocket
                expense only (you must provide proof of purchase)&nbsp;&nbsp;All free supplies should go through our foundation
                to ensure equitable distribution of supplies.
            <div class="centerelement" style="font-size:1.5em; color:red">
                <i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
            <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:0 auto;">
                Share information in regards to doctors, services etc.

        <div class="centerelement" style="font-size:3em; color:green">
            <i class="fa fa-universal-access"></i>
        <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:0 auto;">
            We do not discriminate on the level of disability;&nbsp;&nbsp;we allow a broad spectrum of special needs to be discussed
            on our forum, from ADHD to Zellweggers.
        <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:20 auto;">At the discretion of the board, individuals who are not the parent of special needs children may be admitted.</p>
        <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:10 auto;">We freely and publicly share information on doctors, therapies, spare supplies and local events that benefit our
            community.&nbsp;&nbsp;We welcome all families who reside, or actively receive medical care, in the state of Utah.&nbsp;&nbsp;Those
            families who no longer receive services in the state of Utah should plan to gradually phase-out their membership
            on Utah Kids within a period of 6 months in order to preserve the accuracy of the information provided and maintain
            the integrity of the community (which is strictly Utah-centric).
        <p class="centerelement" style="width:70%;margin:20 auto;">We hope it goes without saying; kindness and supportive words and ideas should be the rule in these forums.&nbsp;&nbsp;You
            are not required to agree with everyone, but disagreements should be handled in an adult manner. Speak your thoughts
            about the issues. Do not attack the person - deal with the issues instead. Some basic rules to keep in mind before
            deciding to post:

        <ol style="width:70%;margin:20 auto;">
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                <span>No posting of events is allowed in the forum.&nbsp;&nbsp;They must be sent to
                    <a class="listhover hvr-pop" hef=""></a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our events coordinator will then post the event to our
                    public events calendar and into our online forum.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    Any posting of needy family alerts, contests, giveaways, sales or products for sale must be approved BEFORE posting them
                    to the forum.&nbsp;&nbsp;The reason for this is two-fold:&nbsp;&nbsp;i)&nbsp;&nbsp;Because we now have
                    501(c)3 status, we cannot endorse or promote any product or company.&nbsp;&nbsp;ii)&nbsp;&nbsp;Posts
                    of this nature detract from the purpose of the forum.&nbsp;&nbsp;Multiple posts in a row that have nothing
                    to do with the topic being discussed, or by the same individual regarding the same item over and over
                    only serve to clog the discussion threads.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    We do not allow job postings or invites to your home-based business events.&nbsp;&nbsp;We do not want to know if the company
                    you work for is hiring, or any other positions you know about at other companies.&nbsp;&nbsp;Special
                    exceptions can be made (after the board first reviews the request) for those that make products or who
                    are licensed to provide therapies that benefit our kids within the broader circle of the special needs
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    Please do not post in the forum with a sense of entitlment, expecting other members to find resources for you or do research
                    for you that you can be doing on your own.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of us are happy to help you if you first demonstrate
                    that you have attempted to find the information on your own, but perhaps still have a few gaps in your
                    knowledge.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you run out of supplies simply let us know that you have run out of the item
                    and we will try to assist.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of us will bend-over-backwards to help someone in need who
                    is genuine, kind and respectful, but we will typically not respond positively to someone who is demanding.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    Members who ONLY post links to information on other websites, even if said information appears useful and relevant in regard
                    to special needs children, but who DO NOT participate in the on-going discussions or interact with other
                    members in a meaningful way will be monitored, then warned, then banned.&nbsp;&nbsp;The reason for this
                    is we want Utah Kids to remain a conversational forum.&nbsp;&nbsp;Numerous links interrupt the free flow
                    of information and ideas.
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    The community of Utah Kids is structured under one umbrella:&nbsp;&nbsp;We are all the parents of special needs children.&nbsp;&nbsp;We
                    encourage conversations that support both individual and group situations.&nbsp;&nbsp;Being a special
                    needs family can create its own exclusionary group from the public, and in recognition of this we will
                    not endorse religious- or politically-fueled conversations or comments as those create separation from
                    our foundation's goal of supporting all special needs families in Utah.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    Requests for referrals and suggestions regarding medical specialists or services must be for special needs children, not
                    for yourself or your friends.&nbsp;&nbsp;If your friends live in Utah or receive services in Utah for
                    a special needs child, the proper etiquette would be for them to join the forum and ask the question(s)
                    for themselves on behalf of their special needs child.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    We consider it to be a blatant sign of disrespect to post comments that begin with phrasing like "Not sure if this post is
                    okay, but..." or "This may violate the forums rules, but..." and then proceed to post anyway.&nbsp;&nbsp;If
                    you suspect that your post may violate the forum rules, send your candidate post to a member of the board
                    for review.&nbsp;&nbsp;The board can then review the post and help with wording or content so that your
                    concerns may be addressed without damaging the integrity of the forum.</span>
            <li style="padding-bottom:10;">
                    Any discussion on CBD or other restricted treatments other than the legally permitted uses will be immediately deleted.
        <p style="padding-left: 30px;"></p>
            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" href="" target="_blank">
                <h3 class="centerelement">Return to Utah Kids on Facebook</h3>

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            <a class="listhover hvr-pop" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_HyperLink5" href=""
                target="_blank">Financials 2017</a>

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                target="_blank">Financials 2016</a>

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                <p style="font-size:52px;">Shopping Cart</p>
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                <p>Utah Kids is pleased to offer (for the cost of acquisition) new JetCares Baby Diapers</p>

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                                        <option value="108 | Newborn --">108 | Newborn -- $17.25 USD</option>
                                        <option value="176 | 1 --">176 | 1 -- $27.40 USD</option>
                                        <option value="252 | 2 --">252 | 2 -- $37.10 USD</option>
                                        <option value="224 | 3 --">224 | 3 -- $37.10 USD</option>
                                        <option value="200 | 4 --">200 | 4 -- $37.10 USD</option>
                                        <option value="160| 5 --">160| 5 -- $37.10 USD</option>
                                        <option value="144 | 6 --">144 | 6 -- $37.10 USD</option>
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