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Simplified Query
I have a table in a database to calculate a factor. I made a calculation through code vb and datatables, but I think it could simplify a lot if through SQL.
I would like someone to give me some help to simplify with SQL.
In this table for a date, color, density, type and location i need find factor. While date, type and location the values are pre-defined (Location: 01,05,08 and type: type 1, type2), color and density is mesuared (the value changes).
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 2,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,06
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 2,13
Density: 4,81
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0675
best regards
Attached example table
I have a table in a database to calculate a factor. I made a calculation through code vb and datatables, but I think it could simplify a lot if through SQL.
I would like someone to give me some help to simplify with SQL.
In this table for a date, color, density, type and location i need find factor. While date, type and location the values are pre-defined (Location: 01,05,08 and type: type 1, type2), color and density is mesuared (the value changes).
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 2,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,06
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 2,13
Density: 4,81
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0675
best regards
Attached example table
I need find fator (The value). Color for ex., if is zero means could be all the colors between ( 0 to 2,1), density if zero could be all values between (0 and 4,1)
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 0,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0595
best regards
I need find fator (The value). Color for ex., if is zero means could be all the colors between ( 0 to 2,1), density if zero could be all values between (0 and 4,1)
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 0,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0595
best regards
what is your current calculation in VB that gives you the required factor?
Sorry, I still dont understand your requirement.
We have Factor, Color and Density which you need some kind of calculation for.
If you could explain each component and tell us how it is derived / calculated / the basis of its value / how it relates to the other values....
At the moment it doesnt make sense repeating Color 2.1 Density 4.5 factor 0.06
May as well be Sky is Blue, Rocks are Hard, so, factor is .12345
They seem to be totally unrelated - so - what is their relationship to any calculation and what is the SQL supposed to resolve ?
We have Factor, Color and Density which you need some kind of calculation for.
If you could explain each component and tell us how it is derived / calculated / the basis of its value / how it relates to the other values....
At the moment it doesnt make sense repeating Color 2.1 Density 4.5 factor 0.06
May as well be Sky is Blue, Rocks are Hard, so, factor is .12345
They seem to be totally unrelated - so - what is their relationship to any calculation and what is the SQL supposed to resolve ?
What I intend to find is just the FACTOR to then make other calculations with it.
Imagine an apple, I'll do quality control.
The calculation order will be date, density, type and location.
Date: This is not always the case but we can imagine, for ex. if the apples are harvested between 01/05 and 05/05 as there is less quantity they value more than those harvested from 05/15.
Color: Knowing the date of the harvest we will check the corresponding color step.
Density: For the date and color found previously, we will find the density according to the hardness of the apple.
Type: Having the date, color and density, we will find the corresponding type (variety).
Location: Lastly knowing all the previous parameters we verified in which place they are. If they are further away they have a smaller factor.
Attached exemple how should calculate factor.
best regards
What I intend to find is just the FACTOR to then make other calculations with it.
Imagine an apple, I'll do quality control.
The calculation order will be date, density, type and location.
Date: This is not always the case but we can imagine, for ex. if the apples are harvested between 01/05 and 05/05 as there is less quantity they value more than those harvested from 05/15.
Color: Knowing the date of the harvest we will check the corresponding color step.
Density: For the date and color found previously, we will find the density according to the hardness of the apple.
Type: Having the date, color and density, we will find the corresponding type (variety).
Location: Lastly knowing all the previous parameters we verified in which place they are. If they are further away they have a smaller factor.
Attached exemple how should calculate factor.
best regards
I made a calculation through code vb and datatables
Can you please provide this calculation? For example, it is not clear for us what weight should be given to Location 01 compared to 05.
When I get a container of apples, I already know what location it comes from and what type, in this case location = 05 and type = type1.
Date, color, and density are typically different from container to container. But the sequence of calculations should be, find the date, color, density, type and location.
I supply all these variables to the program, I only intend to use these variables to get the factor.
In a very basic way it would look like this (Considering excel my table to find this):
1- Did a query to return records of the table in this case would be> = 01/05/177 and <15/05/2017 (returns 60 records)
2 - it would query the result of the previous query and filter those records in which the color would be> = 2,10 and <2,21 (15 records)
3 - Did another query for the density in which it would focus on the records of the 2nd query should be> = 4.80 and <5.10 (returns 2 records)
4 - did another query with the result of the 3rd and found the type. (returns 2 records)
5 - Finally did another query based on the 4th query in which it obtained the factor. (Return 1 record)
best regards
When I get a container of apples, I already know what location it comes from and what type, in this case location = 05 and type = type1.
Date, color, and density are typically different from container to container. But the sequence of calculations should be, find the date, color, density, type and location.
I supply all these variables to the program, I only intend to use these variables to get the factor.
In a very basic way it would look like this (Considering excel my table to find this):
1- Did a query to return records of the table in this case would be> = 01/05/177 and <15/05/2017 (returns 60 records)
2 - it would query the result of the previous query and filter those records in which the color would be> = 2,10 and <2,21 (15 records)
3 - Did another query for the density in which it would focus on the records of the 2nd query should be> = 4.80 and <5.10 (returns 2 records)
4 - did another query with the result of the 3rd and found the type. (returns 2 records)
5 - Finally did another query based on the 4th query in which it obtained the factor. (Return 1 record)
best regards
This is not giving us any clues! Once again, and for the last time, where is your VB code?
It sounds like this is not a calculation, but rather querying a table given known values to find the factor value.
In SQL, you could do this as one query:
In SQL, you could do this as one query:
FROM <your table>
WHERE <date field> >= <start date range> AND <date field> < <end date range>
AND <location field> = <location value>
AND <type field> = <type value>
AND <color field> >= <start color range> AND <color field <= <end color range>
AND <density field> >= <start density range> AND <density field> < <end density range>
In this code I do not have the color, so I need to see if there is any cleaner way to do it. There is also a field by which it is filtered which is the contract code. There may be different factors for different contracts.
best regards
In this code I do not have the color, so I need to see if there is any cleaner way to do it. There is also a field by which it is filtered which is the contract code. There may be different factors for different contracts.
Public Shared Sub Getfactor(ByRef RowG As DataRow, ByVal TbFactor As DataTable)
Dim LTypes As New List(Of String)
Dim mtype As String = If(IsDBNull(RowG("idType")), "", RowG("idType"))
Dim VBonusQ As Decimal = 0
Dim CBonusQ As Decimal = 0
If TbFactor.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For v = 0 To TbFactor.Rows.Count - 1
Dim xV As String = If(IsDBNull(TbFactor.Rows.Item(v)("TypeName")), "", TbFactor.Rows.Item(v)("TypeName"))
If xV.Trim.Length > 0 Then
If Not LTypes.Contains(xV) Then
End If
End If
Dim xQueryType As String = " and Type = '' "
If mtype.Length > 0 Then
If LTypes.Contains(mtype) Then
xQueryType = " and Type = '" & mtype & "' "
End If
End If
Dim xLoc As String = If(IsDBNull(RowG("Location")), "", RowG("Location"))
If xLoc.Length > 0 Then
Dim RowA() As DataRow = TbFactor.Select("CodContrat = '" & RowG("CodContrat") & "' and Location = '" &
RowG("Location") & "' " & xQueryType, "date,density")
If Not RowA Is Nothing Then
If RowA.Length > 0 Then
If Not IsDBNull(RowG("OrderDate")) Then
Dim OrderDate As Date = RowG("OrderDate")
Dim Dens As Decimal = FormatNumber(If(IsDBNull(RowG("Density")), 0, RowG("Density")), 3)
For i = RowA.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
If RowA(i)("Date") <= OrderDate Then
Dim RowAlineas() As DataRow = TbFactor.Select("CodContrat = '" & RowG("CodContrat") & "' and Location = '" &
RowG("Location") & "' and date = '" & Format(RowA(i)("date"), "yyyy-MM-dd") &
"' " & xQueryType, "Date,density")
For a = RowAlineas.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
If RowAlineas(a)("density") <= Dens Then
RowG("Factor") = RowAlineas(a)("Factor")
Exit For
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
best regards
Hi Shaun,
Yes in fact. I probably exposed the problem badly.
best regards
Yes in fact. I probably exposed the problem badly.
best regards
Hi Shaun,
With your query the result is 48 records not one as expected. Because i need know the range before, if consider all records not work.
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 0,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0595
best regards
With your query the result is 48 records not one as expected. Because i need know the range before, if consider all records not work.
Date: 02/05/2017
Color: 0,13
Density: 4,25
Type: Type1
Location: 05
The factor is 0,0595
FROM factor
WHERE '02/05/2018' >= '01/05/2018' AND '02/05/2018' < '15/05/2018'
AND Location = 05
AND type = 'Type 1'
AND 0.13 >= 0 AND 0.13 <= 2.31
AND 4.25 >= 0 AND 4.25 < 5.5
best regards
in SQL you would typically select data from a table. Using the spreadsheet names
select Date,Color,Density,Type,Location,Factor
from yourtablename
where date >= '01/05/2018' AND date < '15/05/2018'
AND Location = 05
AND type = 'Type 1'
AND color between 0 AND 2.31
AND density between 0 AND 5.5
ORDER BY Factor desc
And if you want to sort or rank, you can add in constructs like row_number() , top, or add to the bottom, an ORDER BY, or a range of other possibilities
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What do we want to do with Factor ? Calculate it, or use it for something ? Or, emulate your VB code but in SQL ?
The table.xlsx seems to have a factor in there for everything, but missing some colors and density.
If you could please explain a bit more, might be able to help you.