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Avatar of Basem Khawaja
Basem KhawajaFlag for United States of America

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can not upload

I need help. I tried to upload a word document and .pdf to recommendation portal for someone that asked me for a reference . I wrote a reference on a word document and the portal asked to drag it into the space provided or upload it . Neither option worked instead I got an error message and I was unable to submit and there is a deadline to do so . Please see screen capture and help me.

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Avatar of David Johnson, CD
David Johnson, CD
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and just where is this "recommendation portal" it could be a problem on that site.  If you say yes continue upload does it in fact upload properly?
Avatar of Basem Khawaja


no it does not
try uploading another  document
Avatar of Ethan Jakson
Ethan Jakson

There might be some problem due to the server. You should have uploaded a few more times. Also, you could have checked by uploading another similar document if it takes that or not.
ethan, thanks for reapeating my suggestion
Avatar of Andrew Leniart
Andrew Leniart
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pdf is Fox it
I contacted the support site and the lady assured me that she received the document and she was able to read it. She thinks it is a firewall issue on their side that is causing this.
Ah excellent. Problem solved then :) It's handy when support actually do what they're supposed to and let you know all is ok. Glad to hear it's sorted for you Basem :)

Regards, Andrew