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Dependent Drop List - SQL and VBS

I had this question after viewing Populate Text Box From Dropdown List.

The code below (as gotten from question I posted above) works to populate drop down lists independently. I'd like to modify the code to be dependent drop down lists.

So let's say I have a table called CODES, which contains the following:

Year  | Code_Number
1999 | 1001-10
1999 | 1002-10
2000 | 2002-05

I’d like two drop downs. One drop down has the year, which when selected will filter the second drop down of the Code_Number. So in the example above, if I select 1999 from the first drop down, 1001-10 and 1002-10 will fill in the second drop down.

Additionally, I’d like both selections in text box/drop down to be stored in a text file. While I do have a sub routine for that, I keep getting undefined errors.

The table has hundreds of thousands of entries and takes a few seconds to load when I run the query so I'm wondering if the table can be loaded with perhaps just the years (or maybe a text box to enter the year) and then fetch the Code_Number only for that year so it'll load faster?

  <title>SQL DropDown Demo</title>
	 icon="" >
  <script type="text/vbscript">

Option Explicit

Sub Window_OnLoad


' Also add some extra values in addition to the SQL data:

  AddOption "Field1","Extra Option 1","Value for Option 1"
  AddOption "Field1","Extra Option 2","Value for Option 2"

  AddOption "Field2","Extra Option 1","Value for Option 1"
  AddOption "Field2","Extra Option 2","Value for Option 2"

End Sub

Sub ReadSQLData
  ' Read information from SQL server and put into Field1 and Field2

  Dim oDb : Set oDb = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  oDb.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Server=myServer;Database=myDatabase;"
  Dim sQL : sQL     = "SELECT * FROM [CODE]"
  Dim oRS : Set oRS = oDb.Execute(sQL)

  Do Until oRS.EOF
  AddOption "Field1",oRS.Fields("Year").Value,oRS.Fields("Year").Value 
  AddOption "Field2",oRS.Fields("Code_Number").Value,oRS.Fields("Code_Number").Value 

End Sub

Sub AddOption(fieldname,SetText,SetValue)
' Pass in the control ID and the text and values to add to it
	  Dim oDD, oOpt
	  Set oDD = document.getElementById(fieldname)
      Set oOpt = oDD.document.createElement("option")
      oOpt.Text  = SetText
      oOpt.Value = SetValue
      oDD.Options.Add oOpt
End Sub

Sub HandleChange(fieldname,SetValue)
' Pass in the ID and selected value of the control to handle a change for
  Select Case fieldname
    Case "Field1"
    Case "Field2"
  End Select
 ' MsgBox "You have amended " & fieldname & " to " & SetValue

End Sub

**********************Send Contents of Text Boxes to File when click button**********************

Sub RunScript
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim objFSO 'File System Object
Dim objTS 'Text Stream Object

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Get current logged in username for path
strFileName = createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt"

' Check if file exists, if not create it

If Not objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) then
Set oTxtFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt") 
End If

' Open file for reading

If objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) then
Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)

' create variable to hold default value

If objTS.AtEndOfStream Then
inContent = ""
inContent = objTS.ReadLine
End If
End If

' Declare variable to write to file

getOutput0 = Text1
getOutput1 = Text2

' write database values to file
Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting)

End Sub


   Field1: <select id="Field1" onchange="HandleChange,me.value">
   Field2: <select id="Field2" onchange="HandleChange,me.value">
 // Input box to show value selected from dropdown
Text1:  <input type="text" maxlength="30" size="40"  id="Text1">
Text2:  <input type="text" maxlength="30" size="40"  id="Text2">
**********************Button to Send to File (call RunScript sub)**********************

 <input type="button" value="Send to File" name="btn_runscript"  onClick="vbs:RunScript"><br><br>


Open in new window

Let me know if further clarification is needed. Thanks!

Avatar of Steve Knight
Steve Knight
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Can you explain what you want to happen with the text file, you appear to be reading it but not doing anything with the info and then attempting to write to it?

Is this just to store the last values for the fields as default for the user?

Can the values in the SQL tables disappear, i.e. you set a value from default but the value is no longer a choice from SQL table?
Avatar of tracyms


The text file takes the values from the text box and writes them to the user's temp directory on their pc and names the file "TextFile.txt". So, if 1999 is in the first text box and 1001-10 is in the second text box, when the user clicks the button to invoke the RunScript subroutine creates the TextFile.txt file and it's contents looks like this:


I use the text file in an array so I can pull it in another application.

'Here is the code to get the contents of that file into an array and pull it in to the fields of my application:

Dim oFSO : Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If oFSO.FileExists(createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt") Then
If oFSO.GetFile(createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt").size <> 0 then    

arrLines = Split(oFSO.OpenTextFile(createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt").ReadAll(), VbCrLf)

'Now you have all the lines in the file in an array, so if you want src to be the first line and src1 to be the second line (not a fan of those names by the way), simply do this:

Field2 = arrLines(0)
Field3 = arrLines(1)
Field2 = ""
Field3 = ""
End If
End If

Does that answer your question?
Avatar of tracyms



I tried your code and got it to work. I finally figured out why the years only went back 10, just had to read - LOL!

For YYYY=Year(Date) To Year(Date)-10 Step -1

The years in my database go back 60 so I updated the above to For YYYY=Year(Date) To Year(Date)-60 Step -1

How would this work if there was a different field in the database to filter? Meaning, if I wanted to filter a zip code for example in the first drop down and second populates users who live in that zip code. I guess I was looking to use only the database fields/SQL statements to do the work, the addition of your code threw me off a bit.

Also, I got the text values to write to the TextFile.txt file by add ".value" to it:

getOutput0 = Text1.value
getOutput1 = Text2.value
One more thing, I wanted to clear the values after selections so I added code to clear the text boxes after clicking the "Send to File" button, added this to the end of my  RunScript subsroutine:

However, I couldn't figure out how to set your drop downs back to default options (Select Year/Select Year First).

See updated code below:

<title>My HTML application</title>

<script language="VBScript">

Option Explicit

Sub Window_OnLoad

' Populate year field with last 10 years in reverse order
AddOption "Field1","Select Year",""
For YYYY=Year(Date) To Year(Date)-60 Step -1
	AddOption "Field1",CStr(YYYY),CStr(YYYY)

AddOption "Field2","Select Year first",""

End Sub

Sub ReadSQLData(WhichYear)
  ' Read information from SQL server and put into Field1 and Field2

  Dim oDb : Set oDb = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  oDb.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Server=myServer;Database=myDatabase;"
  Dim sQL : sQL     = "SELECT Code_Number FROM [CODE] WHERE Year='" & Whichyear & "'"

  Do Until oRS.EOF
 AddOption "Field2",oRS.Fields("Code_Number").Value,oRS.Fields("Code_Number").Value

End Sub

Sub AddOption(fieldname,SetText,SetValue)
' Pass in the control ID and the text and values to add to it
	  Dim oDD, oOpt
	  Set oDD = document.getElementById(fieldname)
      Set oOpt = oDD.document.createElement("option")
      oOpt.Text  = SetText
      oOpt.Value = SetValue
      oDD.Options.Add oOpt
End Sub

Sub ClearField2
	Dim objOption
    For Each objOption in Document.getElementById("Field2").options
	AddOption "Field2","Now please choose code",""
End Sub

Sub HandleChange(fieldname,SetValue)
' Pass in the ID and selected value of the control to handle a change for
  Select Case fieldname
    Case "Field1"
    	If SetValue="" Then
    		MsgBox "Please choose a value for the year"
    		' A value has been chosen for year.  Enable the code field, clear it's choices and get them from SQL
    		ReadSQLData SetValue
       	End If
    Case "Field2"
    	If SetValue="" Then
    		' Nothing selected
        	' Trigger doing something with your code....
        End If
  End Select
 ' MsgBox "You have amended " & fieldname & " to " & SetValue

End Sub

Sub RunScript
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim objFSO 'File System Object
Dim objTS 'Text Stream Object
Dim strFileName
Dim oTxtFile
Dim inContent
Dim fieldname
Dim getOutput0
Dim getOutput1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Get current logged in username for path
strFileName = createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt"

' Check if file exists, if not create it

If Not objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) then
Set oTxtFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(createobject("").expandenvironmentstrings("%TEMP%") & "\TextFile.txt") 
End If

' Open file for reading

If objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) then
Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading)

' create variable to hold default value

If objTS.AtEndOfStream Then
inContent = ""
inContent = objTS.ReadLine
End If
End If

' Declare variable to write to file

getOutput0 = Text1.value
getOutput1 = Text2.value

' write database values to file
Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForWriting)
End Sub
<body bgcolor="white">
<DIV STYLE="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt;  color: black">
Field1: <select id="Field1" onchange="HandleChange,me.value"></select>
Field2: <select id="Field2" onchange="HandleChange,me.value" disabled=true></select>
Text1:  <input type="text" maxlength="30" size="40"  id="Text1">
Text2:  <input type="text" maxlength="30" size="40"  id="Text2">
<input type="button" value="Send to File" name="btn_runscript"  onClick="vbs:RunScript" disabled=true><br><br>

Open in new window

You'd want to have a SQL query to produce data for the first drop down as one off to populate it then in the handlechange sub for that field do second lookup using SQL of filtered data.

I suggest if you can explain full ideas you are trying to do can more easily make coffee work for the different cases.

Avatar of tracyms


Ok, thanks! It does work for my purposes currently. Can you tell me how to re-set the dropdowns to default option values? I tried calling it after my RunScript subroutine but it didn't work:

Run Window_OnLoad ()

 Thanks again Steve!
They are Field1 and Field2... Just setting Field1 to blank should work as it will cause Field2 to blank and options to disappear and grey out.

If you want help with other but re post code etc then say.

Avatar of tracyms


Ok, got it thanks!
Thanks for the answer, can help with text file bits if wanted still.

Avatar of tracyms


Hi Steve,

I opened another question I thought you could answer based on this question. I already asked it and this was your answer but you had already solved my initial question and we didn't work on that part:

"You'd want to have a SQL query to produce data for the first drop down as one off to populate it then in the handlechange sub for that field do second lookup using SQL of filtered data."

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