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Avatar of Bob Schneider
Bob SchneiderFlag for United States of America

asked on

TelNet v Putty with vb6

I have used Putty (TelNet) to connect my race timing box with my pc in order to stream running race results as they come into my race results software.  It works very well but I was trying to streamline the interface for the benefit the people doing my timing in order to avoid user error by modifying a program I found online.  It works well except that it times out and so I occasionally miss some results.  One other thing I have noticed is that, with the version I am using, I can FTP into the timing box and get all data.  I can not do that with seems that it is locked.  I am wondering if that is an indicator that Putty locks things down more than my version and is the likely shortcoming in the one I am  using.  Long story short...can someone look at my code and see if they see anything amiss?  If this is a bigger issue than is appropriate for this forum, I might be willing to have someone take a look at it for fair compensation.User generated image
Please note that I have no problem connecting or with any functionality except the time-out issue.  Any help would be much appreciated!

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim form_left As Long, form_top As Long, form_height As Long, form_width As Long
    form_left = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="position", Key:="Left", Default:=0)
    form_top = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="position", Key:="Top", Default:=0)
    form_height = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="position", Key:="Height", Default:=5445)
    form_width = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="position", Key:="Width", Default:=8895)
    If (form_top = 0) Then
        Me.Top = (Screen.Height / 2) - (Me.Height / 2)
        Me.Top = form_top
    End If
    If (form_left = 0) Then
        Me.Left = (Screen.Width / 2) - (Me.Width / 2)
        Me.Left = form_left
    End If
    Me.Height = form_height
    Me.Width = form_width

'    Dim username As String, serial As Double
'    username = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="registration", Key:="user", Default:="")
'    serial = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="registration", Key:="code", Default:="0")
'    If ((username <> "") And (serial <> 0)) Then
'        If (func.is_valid_reg(username:=CStr(username), regcode:=Val(serial)) = True) Then
'            menu_help_reg.Enabled = False
'            is_regged = True
'        Else
'            menu_help_reg.Enabled = True
'            is_regged = False
'            DeleteSetting "simptel", "registration", "user"
'            DeleteSetting "simptel", "registration", "code"
'        End If
'    Else
'        menu_help_reg.Enabled = True
'        is_regged = False
'    End If
    txtSCREEN.FontName = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="fonts", Key:="fontname", Default:="Lucida Console")
    txtSCREEN.FontSize = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="fonts", Key:="fontsize", Default:=9)
    menu_file_echo.Checked = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="options", Key:="Echo", Default:=1)
    menu_file_secure.Checked = GetSetting(appname:="simptel", section:="options", Key:="Secure", Default:=0)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    If (ScaleWidth < 3000) Then
        frmMAIN.Enabled = False
        frmMAIN.Width = 3115
        frmMAIN.Enabled = True
    End If
    If (ScaleHeight < 1605) Then
        frmMAIN.Enabled = False
        frmMAIN.Height = 2290
        frmMAIN.Enabled = True
    End If
    txtSCREEN.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight - 300
    txtCMD.Move 0, txtSCREEN.Height + 25, ScaleWidth, 265
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub menu_edit_copy_Click()
    Select Case item_got_focus
        Case Is = 1
            Clipboard.SetText (txtSCREEN.SelText)
        Case Is = 2
            Clipboard.SetText (txtCMD.Text)
        Case Else
            MsgBox "BUG DETECTED!"
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub menu_edit_cut_Click()
    Clipboard.SetText (txtCMD.SelText)
    txtCMD.SelText = ""
End Sub

Private Sub menu_edit_del_Click()
    If (txtCMD.SelLength = 0) Then
        txtCMD.SelLength = 1
        txtCMD.SelText = ""
        txtCMD.SelText = ""
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub menu_edit_paste_Click()
    txtCMD.SelText = Clipboard.GetText
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_clear_Click()
    txtSCREEN.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_connect_Click()
    frmCONNECT2.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_disconnect_Click()
    If (winsck.State <> 0) Then
        func.send_to_buffer ("Connection to " & winsck.RemoteHost & ":" & winsck.RemotePort & " closed.")
    End If
    frmMAIN.Caption = "Telnet"
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_echo_Click()
    If (menu_file_echo.Checked = False) Then
        menu_file_echo.Checked = True
        func.send_to_buffer ("ECHO is now ON")
        menu_file_echo.Checked = False
        func.send_to_buffer ("ECHO is now OFF")
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub menu_file_exit_Click()
    'Saving form positioning setting
    SaveSetting "simptel", "position", "Left", frmMAIN.Left
    SaveSetting "simptel", "position", "Top", frmMAIN.Top
    SaveSetting "simptel", "position", "Height", frmMAIN.Height
    SaveSetting "simptel", "position", "Width", frmMAIN.Width
    SaveSetting "simptel", "options", "Echo", menu_file_echo.Checked
    SaveSetting "simptel", "options", "Secure", menu_file_secure.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_font_Click()
    With CommonDialog1
        .FontName = txtSCREEN.Font
        .FontSize = txtSCREEN.FontSize
        .Flags = &H400 + &H3 + &H4000 + &H10000 + &H2000
        .Min = 9
        .Max = 16
    End With

    On Error GoTo ERR_FONT


    With txtSCREEN
        .Font = CommonDialog1.FontName
        .FontSize = CommonDialog1.FontSize
        SaveSetting "simptel", "fonts", "fontname", txtSCREEN.FontName
        SaveSetting "simptel", "fonts", "fontsize", txtSCREEN.FontSize
    End With

    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_save_Click()
    Dim logsize As Long
    On Error GoTo ERR_HANDLER
    Open sPath For Binary As #1
    Put #1, , txtSCREEN.Text
    Close #1
    logsize = Len(txtSCREEN.Text)
    func.send_to_buffer ("Log written to: " & sFileName)
    func.send_to_buffer ("Written " & logsize & " bytes to disk")
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub menu_file_secure_Click()
    If (menu_file_secure.Checked = True) Then
        menu_file_secure.Checked = False
        func.send_to_buffer ("SECURE mode is now OFF")
        txtCMD.PasswordChar = ""
        menu_file_secure.Checked = True
        func.send_to_buffer ("SECURE mode is now ON")
        txtCMD.PasswordChar = " "
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub tmrSaveData_Timer()
End Sub

Private Sub txtCMD_Change()
    If (menu_file_secure.Checked = True) Then
        txtCMD.PasswordChar = " "
        txtCMD.PasswordChar = ""
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtCMD_GotFocus()
    item_got_focus = 2
    menu_edit_cut.Enabled = True
    menu_edit_del.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub txtCMD_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If (KeyAscii = 13) Then
        If (winsck.State = 0) Then
            func.send_to_buffer ("You need to connect first!")
            txtCMD.Text = ""
            Dim string_to_send As String
            string_to_send = txtCMD.Text
            If (string_to_send <> "") Then
                winsck.SendData string_to_send & vbCrLf
                func.send_to_buffer_norm (txtCMD.Text)
                txtCMD.Text = ""
                func.send_to_buffer ("Nothing to send!")
                txtCMD.Text = ""
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtSCREEN_Change()
    txtSCREEN.SelStart = Len(txtSCREEN.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub txtSCREEN_GotFocus()
    item_got_focus = 1
    menu_edit_cut.Enabled = False
    menu_edit_del.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub winsck_Close()
    func.send_to_buffer ("Disconnected from: " & winsck.RemoteHost & ":" & winsck.RemotePort)
    frmMAIN.Caption = "Telnet"
End Sub

Private Sub winsck_Connect()
    func.send_to_buffer ("Succeeded connection to: " & winsck.RemoteHost & ":" & winsck.RemotePort)
    frmMAIN.Caption = "Connected to: " & winsck.RemoteHost & ":" & winsck.RemotePort
    tmrSaveData.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub winsck_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
    Dim data_received As String
    winsck.GetData data_received, vbString
    func.send_to_buffer_getdata (data_received)
End Sub

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