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Blue screen after windows updates...
I had a message up on my computer, Win 10 Pro, about an update that was about to expire, soI let it run.
Computer was at log in screen for a while this morning before I needed to use it, but soon afterwards, I got the message on the attached pic.
All I had running at the time was MS word & Hyper V with one of my VMs running, nothing out of the ordinary.
As I'm typing this I seem to remember a similar situation a while back, where I just rolled back to before the update, but with that one, I didn't have this message about anything expiring.
Any suggestions?
Computer was at log in screen for a while this morning before I needed to use it, but soon afterwards, I got the message on the attached pic.
All I had running at the time was MS word & Hyper V with one of my VMs running, nothing out of the ordinary.
As I'm typing this I seem to remember a similar situation a while back, where I just rolled back to before the update, but with that one, I didn't have this message about anything expiring.
Any suggestions?
F*#& Microsoft!
updated bios & it bluescreen came back immediately, on reboot, I got a dell message about power adapter couldn’t be detected, letting dell diagnostics run now...
updated bios & it bluescreen came back immediately, on reboot, I got a dell message about power adapter couldn’t be detected, letting dell diagnostics run now...
and now I can’t keep the GD thing on long enough to roll back the updates!!!
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thanks, again!