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litmicFlag for Hong Kong

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Restart Ms SQL server

I'm new to Ms SQL. Running a Ms SQL 2017 on windows 2016 server for around 6 months without server restart. Is it a good practice to restart the server regularly? If so, what;s the procedure for restarting the Ms SQL and windows server? Is simply click windows restart to restart the server?
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It is good practice to patch your server for both Windows and SQL. OS patches require reboots. Yes, you should be rebooting.

You need to know your applications and how they handle SQL reboot. They may need special procedures.
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Raja Jegan R
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We too reboot only when required by patches.  If, someone, a SQL Server machine goes a year without rebooting, then we'll reboot it just as a general precaution.  But rebooting is definitely not required on a regular basis.