asked on
Search for a range
I need your help please.
My search "Not Range" is not pulling my data.
and if I enter in the textbox G2002 or G2001-G2004
Record #1 will not come up.
the search will only get the first range but not the second one.
if the user enter in the GroupTxt : G2001
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
1 <br> IF Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
4 if Member is ( URMBT ) and<br>Place of Service is ( Inpatient Hospital ) and <br>Case Type is ( Medical or Surgical or BH )and<br>AND Dx Between
Range (F01-F99) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not G2001
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not (G2001-G2020)
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not D20
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
3 if Members Group ID is in the list ( 71796) <br><br> AND Dx Between Range (C00- C90) AND Dx Not Between Range (D19 - D90)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : G30
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
2 <br> IF Dx Between Range (G23- G40) <br> AND Dx Between Range (M23- M50)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : M25-M30
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu es
2 <br> IF Dx Between Range (G23- G40) <br> AND Dx Between Range (M23- M50)
My search "Not Range" is not pulling my data.
and if I enter in the textbox G2002 or G2001-G2004
Record #1 will not come up.
the search will only get the first range but not the second one.
if the user enter in the GroupTxt : G2001
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
1 <br> IF Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
4 if Member is ( URMBT ) and<br>Place of Service is ( Inpatient Hospital ) and <br>Case Type is ( Medical or Surgical or BH )and<br>AND Dx Between
Range (F01-F99) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not G2001
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not (G2001-G2020)
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : Not D20
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
3 if Members Group ID is in the list ( 71796) <br><br> AND Dx Between Range (C00- C90) AND Dx Not Between Range (D19 - D90)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : G30
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
2 <br> IF Dx Between Range (G23- G40) <br> AND Dx Between Range (M23- M50)
or if the user enter in the GroupTxt : M25-M30
output record:
RuleDetailID ConditionAttributesAndValu
2 <br> IF Dx Between Range (G23- G40) <br> AND Dx Between Range (M23- M50)
Table : RuleDetailRepo
Fields: ConditionAttributesAndValues
RuleDetailId ConditionAttributesAndValues
1 <br> IF Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
2 <br> IF Dx Between Range (G23- G40) <br> AND Dx Between Range (M23- M50)
3 if Members Group ID is in the list ( 71796) <br><br> AND Dx Between Range (C00- C90) AND Dx Not Between Range (D19 - D90)
4 if Member is ( URMBT ) and<br>Place of Service is ( Inpatient Hospital ) and <br>Case Type is ( Medical or Surgical or BH )and<br>AND Dx Between
Range (F01-F99) <br> AND Px Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
5 IF Member Source Type Concept = 2 (BCN)<br> AND Px Between Range (H0000 - H9999) <br> AND Px Not Between Range (G2000 - G5000)
<br> AND Dx Not Between Range (D20 - D60)
list = _unitOfWorkCABusinessRules.RuleDetailRepo.GetAll().ToList();
//Filter Group Txt
if (model.GroupTxt != null)
list = list.Where(x => InListOrRange(model.GroupTxt, x.ConditionAttributesAndValues));
private bool InListOrRange(string search, string source)
var result = default(bool);
var start = default(int);
var end = default(int);
var searchRange = default(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>>);
var sourceRange = default(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>>);
var list = default(IEnumerable<string>);
// Replace the whitespace for easier parsing
search = search.Replace(" ", "");
source = source.Replace(" ", "");
// Get our ranges
start = source.IndexOf("BetweenRange(", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + "BetweenRange(".Length;
end = source.IndexOf(")", start);
searchRange = GetRangeDictionary(search);
sourceRange = GetRangeDictionary(source.Substring(start, end - start));
// Get our list
start = source.IndexOf("(") != start ? source.IndexOf('(') + 1 : -1;
if (start != -1)
end = source.IndexOf(")", start);
list = start != -1 ? source.Substring(start, end - start).Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Replace("<br>", "")) : new string[] { };
result = (from lhs in searchRange
from rhs in sourceRange
where Equals(lhs.Key, rhs.Key)
select lhs.Value.Intersect(rhs.Value).Any()).Any(x => x) || list.Any(x => string.Equals(search, x, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
catch (Exception e)
//Console.WriteLine($"Message: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.StackTrace}");
result = false;
return result;
private Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>> GetRangeDictionary(string source)
var result = default(Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>>);
result = source.Split('-')
.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(Regex.Match(x, @"\D+")?.Value ?? string.Empty, Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(x, @"\d+")?.Value ?? "0")))
.OrderBy(x => x.Value)
.GroupBy(x => x.Key)
.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<int>>(x.Key, Enumerable.Range(x.First().Value, x.LastOrDefault().Value == 0 ? 1 : x.Last().Value - x.First().Value + 1)))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
catch (Exception e)
//Console.WriteLine($"Message: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.StackTrace}");
result = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<int>>();
return result;
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