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pdvsaFlag for United States of America

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Insert Into and use Current Date

Experts, I am using the below code to update a table.  I need to adjust it.  The issue is fldDate is being updated with the value of [Date] but I need it to update to the current date.  I have a field named [Date] and that is the issue. The “VALUES (#" & Format(Date, "m\/d\/yyyy") ” part in the code below would need to be adjusted to insert the current date (not the date found in the field [Date]). I know that [Date] is not ideal name but I am importing from excel.  I do not want to change the name.  thank you....

Private Sub cboStatus2_AfterUpdate()
    Dim strSQL As String
     DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
  strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblStatusHistory (fldDate, id, Buy_CP, Batch, TP_No, Status2) VALUES (#" & Format(Date, "m\/d\/yyyy") & "#," & Me!ID & ",'" & Me!Buy_CP & "','" & Me!Batch & "','" & Me!Trade_No & "','" & Me!cboStatus2.Column(1) & "')"
  'Debug.Print strSQL
  DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
  DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

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Avatar of Norie

In the code you posted the function Date, which you are using, returns the current date not the value from a field so that's what the value of fldDate should be updated to.

Is that not what's happening?
 "INSERT INTO tblStatusHistory ([Date], id, Buy_CP, Batch, TP_No, Status2) VALUES (#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yy") & "#," & Me!ID & ",'" & Me!Buy_CP & "','" & Me!Batch & "','" & Me!Trade_No & "','" & Me!cboStatus2.Column(1) & "')"

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thanks for the responses.  
Jim:  doesnt seem to do the trick though. its not updating to current date. It is still pulling the date from the [Date] field.  I did change "([Date], id, to [fldDate] though but I dont think that had anything to do with the issue.  The field [fldDate] is the field in the tblStatusHistory.

In the code you posted the function Date, which you are using, returns the current date not the value from a field so that's what the value of fldDate should be updated to.
==>its not the case though. It is not updating to current date.  Its pulling the value from the field [Date].

example:  lets say teh value in [Date] = 4/19 but the current date is 4/10.  The InsertInto is inserting 4/19 into [fldDate].

I  hope it makes sense.  thank you ....

<<example:  lets say teh value in [Date] = 4/19 but the current date is 4/10.  The InsertInto is inserting 4/19 into [fldDate]. >>

 I don't understand why that would be the case, but to avoid the problem, do it this way:

 "INSERT INTO tblStatusHistory ([fldDate], id, Buy_CP, Batch, TP_No, Status2) VALUES (#" & Format(Fix(Now()), "mm/dd/yy") & "#," & Me!ID & ",'" & Me!Buy_CP & "','" & Me!Batch & "','" & Me!Trade_No & "','" & Me!cboStatus2.Column(1) & "')"

Avatar of Ryan Chong
Ryan Chong
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You could also try use the ISO date format.
 strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblStatusHistory (fldDate, id, Buy_CP, Batch, TP_No, Status2) VALUES (#" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#," & Me!ID & ",'" & Me!Buy_CP & "','" & Me!Batch & "','" & Me!Trade_No & "','" & Me!cboStatus2.Column(1) & "')"

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Hi Ryan, not at computer but I think that is the solution.  I also like your idea to set the field to current date. Its actually easier that way.