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Old DNS Records are not deleting
Hi All,
Old DNS Records are not being deleted
I've configured Scavenging set on the server, also on the zone (both set at 8 days), and then i monitored dns entry.
Still i can see old dns entry with time stamp. please assit me how can i trouble shoot for this.
The time stamp is 8/20/2012 @ 5:00:00 Pm (on one record for example)
Old DNS Records are not being deleted
I've configured Scavenging set on the server, also on the zone (both set at 8 days), and then i monitored dns entry.
Still i can see old dns entry with time stamp. please assit me how can i trouble shoot for this.
The time stamp is 8/20/2012 @ 5:00:00 Pm (on one record for example)
What is the TTL on the problematic DNS records? TTLs are often set quite long. If it is, say, 3600 seconds then it would take an hour for an old record to flush and become eligible for updating. If it is a day, it could take (in the worst case) 24 hours before it was eligible for an update on systems with cached DNS information.
Check your server's DNS event log for events 2501 and 2502. One of these two events will be logged every time a scavenging pass is made. If you can't find either event, your server is not attempting to scavenge, likely because something isn't configured properly.
Thanks DrDave
I will check and update you. is it possible to manually start scanvage process
I will check and update you. is it possible to manually start scanvage process
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Dr Dave
T thanks I will try and update you
T thanks I will try and update you