Rick Becker
asked on
Proper JSON Syntax for extracting Data from Nested Arrays
Greetings All..
Ok I am very new to JSON but I the need to use and learn it. I have been able to search the internet to get some help in getting it setup and running on Very Simple JSON files/script. I am Visual Studio 2017 and VB.NET and I have loaded in the NewtonSoft.Json libraries which is working very well. However, So far I have only been working with file/scripts that are simple and a single Array of elements/objects.
The SYNTAX for extracting Data from these elements is pretty easy and pretty straight forward and I am successful in this Simple Data...
However I now have to extraxt some data from some larger files/scripts which contains MULTIPLE Levels of Arrays. These file are 'Customer Order' files that contains an Array of ORDERS each of which can contain an Array of Items.. I need to be able to extract the SKU data from each of the ITEMS on the ORDER'
The following is my current code and below that is a sample of a Single ORDER with the 'Nested' ITEMS;
So my main problem is that I just flat do not know how to reference 'item.SelectToken("Orders. Items.sku" )
Any help with syntax for extracting data from the ITEM array/Nested arrays would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance
The following is a sample file:
Ok I am very new to JSON but I the need to use and learn it. I have been able to search the internet to get some help in getting it setup and running on Very Simple JSON files/script. I am Visual Studio 2017 and VB.NET and I have loaded in the NewtonSoft.Json libraries which is working very well. However, So far I have only been working with file/scripts that are simple and a single Array of elements/objects.
The SYNTAX for extracting Data from these elements is pretty easy and pretty straight forward and I am successful in this Simple Data...
However I now have to extraxt some data from some larger files/scripts which contains MULTIPLE Levels of Arrays. These file are 'Customer Order' files that contains an Array of ORDERS each of which can contain an Array of Items.. I need to be able to extract the SKU data from each of the ITEMS on the ORDER'
The following is my current code and below that is a sample of a Single ORDER with the 'Nested' ITEMS;
Call xmlHttp2.open("GET", sContactURL, False)
xmlHttp2.setRequestHeader("Authorization:", " Basic " + EncodedShipStationID)
Call xmlHttp2.send()
'Get the server's response
sResponse = xmlHttp2.responseText
sResponse = Trim(sResponse)
'Save the response for later evaluation if needed
RtnVal = VarStringToTextFile(TempDataStorageFolder + "\ShipStationOrderResponse1.xml", sResponse)
Dim json As String = sResponse.ToString
Dim jsonObject As Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json)
'''Dim jsonArray As Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray = jsonObject("items")
Dim jsonArray As Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray = jsonObject("orders")
Dim CurrentSKU As String
Dim CurrentSKU Array() As String
CurrentSKU = ""
For Each item As Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject In jsonArray
CurrentSKU = CurrentSKU + item.SelectToken("orderNumber").ToString + ","
CurrentSKUArray = CurrentSKU .Split(",")
Cursor = Cursors.Default
So my main problem is that I just flat do not know how to reference 'item.SelectToken("Orders.
Any help with syntax for extracting data from the ITEM array/Nested arrays would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance
The following is a sample file:
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Hi Zvonko;
WOW ... are you kidding me ... LOL that Worked.. I am flabbergasted...
Thanks that is a combination that I did not try...
Again thanks..
WOW ... are you kidding me ... LOL that Worked.. I am flabbergasted...
Thanks that is a combination that I did not try...
Again thanks..
Thank You Very Much...
Hi ZVonko... I was wondering if you could take a look a the new question that I posted just a bit ago... you were so very helpful with this one?
"How to Modify a JSON Array without Compromising the format/structure"
If you can that would be great
"How to Modify a JSON Array without Compromising the format/structure"
If you can that would be great