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freewares to adjust grey shades & brightness of an image

I used to use MS Photo Editor on my Win XP that could change the shades
& sharpness of an image.  There's also SnagIT on that Win XP.

But I left that laptop in my office & can't bring it back due to Covid.
I need to change the grey shades of a few images' background.

MSPaint & Snipping Tool can't seems to be able to do this or
can they?  Can advise how if they can do it.

Alternatively any freewares to do this?

Can we still obtain the MS Photo Editor to run on Win 10?
(as a portable rather than installer is good)
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Dr. Klahn

gimp will do the job and it's free.  The learning curve may be a bit steep, though.
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Lee W, MVP
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Ok thanks.  Someone posted a zip of MS Photo Editor, downloaded
& scanned it to be virus free.   Unzipped it to a folder & launch it but
it can't open files as shown in attached: PhoEd_cantopen.jpg

Will try those others, just tt MS Photo Editor is simple & very
familiar to me.
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