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Richard ComitoFlag for United States of America

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Failed to load resource GraphQL/React

I am setting up a simple weather app using React/AWS Amplify/AWS Appsync/GraphQL.

I am getting the following errors when I open the console.

Failed to load resource: https://(appsync ID)


Uncaught (in promise) 
  1. Object
    1. data: {}
    2. errors: [GraphQLError]
    3. __proto__: Object

I am a noob to React and have not used Javascript in 15 years.  So end-user error I am suspecting.

Here are my questions and code.

1) How do I go about troubleshooting these types of issues in the future?
2) How do I hand off the variable to the query to be used by appysync?
3) How do I resolve the Error just in case I am way off on my assumption?

\\Weather Componant

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { weatherByCity } from '../graphql/queries'
import { API, graphqlOperation } from 'aws-amplify'

class DisplayWeather extends Component {

    componentDidMount = async () => {

    getWeather = async () => {

            const result = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(weatherByCity))
            console.log('weatherByCity', JSON.stringify(result))


    render() {
        return (

export default DisplayWeather

Open in new window

/* eslint-disable */
// this is an auto generated file. This will be overwritten

export const weatherByCity = /* GraphQL */ `
  query WeatherByCity($city: String!) {
    weatherByCity(city: $city) {

Open in new window

Any advice is welcome.  Thank you in advance.


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Thanks,  I didn't even think to do a ping.

I did the ping and got back. "Ping request could not find host https://(appsync id) Please check the name and try again."

I went into AppSync and noticed that the API URL in my AppSync API and the API URL in the aws-export.js were both different.  I changed the aws-export.js to match and confirmed that my APIKey is up-to-date.  That seems to have fixed the first error.
(on a side note: I did try to ping the good API URL that is working, and I received the same error.  Do you know why that is?)

But I am still getting the second error.  I know the page needs an input window and an onClick event button.  But is there an easy way to pass the variable in the code while I am testing?

Thank you again,

Got it.

Same reply.

ok so you did not put the right URL
you probably start from a tutorial, could you provide the link?

No. I was using a different AppSync URL for another API that I was switching over from.
(I am not that much of a noob)

The problem was fixed when I noticed I was using the old URL that I had deleted, plus my API key was expired, so I needed to replace that.

I got the appsync working when I realized I was using the old URL(Thank you for that.  I wasn't even thinking to look there.).

I just wanted to move on to ask for advice on troubleshooting React, AWS issues, and tips as I move forward.

I am DBA by trade and have been doing that for over twenty years.  T-SQL, MS SQL Servers no problem.

React is a different story. I have been working with React for about six months, but that is along with learning AWS Control Tower, Amplify, Route 53, and ect ....  So I cannot focus as well as I would like.

My Javascript is weak, but that is what I am working on.  In the past, I used to build Ticketing systems in ASP Classic and VB.  Yes, I am that old.  I can remember when .net came out in 2007.  So I do understand far more than I can express at times.

Thank you for your help!

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