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Equivalent in Oracle to SET NOCOUNT ON (T-SQL


SET NOCOUNT ON is a set statement which prevents the message which shows the number of rows affected by T-SQL query statements. This is used within stored procedures and triggers to avoid showing the affected rows message. Using SET NOCOUNT ON within a stored procedure can improve the performance of the stored procedure by a significant margin.

Is there an Oracle equivalent to this statement ?

Thanks in advance,
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slightwv (䄆 Netminder)

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Using SET NOCOUNT ON within a stored procedure can improve the performance of the stored procedure by a significant margin.
This is not correct.

SET NOCOUNT ON only means that the affected row count per statement is not sent to the client. Thus possible decreased network traffic and total time required to complete an call. But the actual performance of a stored procedure is not affected.

Imho Oracle does not transmit a row count per statement in a sproc.