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curiouswebsterFlag for United States of America

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Need to create a Virtual Tour for web delivery, but censor free

I have a few local spots of interest which I think many beyond my region would find very interesting. And I need choose the right technology option before I create the video content.

I fear censorship, since these tours are of a political nature, and I intend to host them on my secure WordPress site to protect them. And that is in spite of the fact that there are web services available for the exact purpose of host tour creation easier. I would love to use, them, but will not.

Instead, I prefer to learn from them about which features would be great to have, then use WordPress, PHP or other, to get my tour close to the level which they can offer.

So, feel free to provide me some best case choices, in the even I had no censorship worries, and also some WordPress advise about which cool features are available via a WP plugin, or through coding it myself in WP/PHP.

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David Favor
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Thanks for the comments. I already plan to host exactly as you say, which is why I will not use any outside service created for virtual tours, ticket sales, mobile hosting or anything related.

So, my post was an attempt to assess the features which my virtual tour CAN have, based on the constraints I mentioned.

1) Available via a WP plugin
2) Self-configurable, via WP/PHP/MySQL or other technology

For example, I will not use anything like Klapty, but my customers may have high expectations from these outside services.So, I was hoping for some WP guidance to a home-built version that's still pretty good.

Maybe describe an example of one of your "virtual tours".

Specifically a "virtual tour" of what exactly...
Of a park and university in the area, where there are notable and interesting finding which I can sew into a very compelling story.
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