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Avatar of Member_2_8329944
Member_2_8329944Flag for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

asked on

Windows Server

We have a big issue with our domain.

Last  weekend we had a building power down at our main site which is also our primary DC.

To get certain services running we had to fail certain servers over to DR. Our Domain controllers were two of those servers.






After the power down we failed back our PDC’s. Initially there were some issues but our services came back to normal after a few reboots.

Today we’ve gone in to look at DNS and the trusts and it seems some domain controllers aren’t communicating with each other. Some are seeing different servers as the PDC.

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Seth Simmons
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Our Domain controllers were two of those servers.

how do you have this setup?
there are certain things like application servers that, when being replicated to DR, can failover and be usable
domain controllers don't quite function that way
knowing how things are setup will help
do these domain controllers replicate with each other between the sites?
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I have asked the client.

Is this something to do with FSMO roles?

What was done with FSMO roles?
It will help to know what happened. Did DCs get turned on at the DC site? Were backups/replicas restored at DR? Were FSMO roles seized?

Note: Don't ever seize FSMO roles unless the original DC is permanently unavailable. If you seize a FSMO role, the original DC that had the role can NEVER be brought back online safely. It needs to be wiped out and forcibly deleted from the domain.
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