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Highlight Cell base on the color of another cell
Hello, I need to make some cells stand out based on the color of another cell. I've spent hours searching the internet for a solution to this problem. Responses for "color a cell based on the value of another cell" keep appearing in the responses. I am capable of doing it.
In my example, if the cells in Column A are pink (#FCD0D1), I need Columns G&H to turn pink as well. I discovered a formula, however I believe that it will only color the cells if there are two matches; anything less than two matches will not cause it to work.EE-Highlight Cell based on color of a different cell.xlsx
That's amazing. I've never seen a macro operate that quickly without me having to click anything.
Most of them were highlighted, but some weren't. Here is the full collection of data. I slightly modified your macro and placed my data in the columns and rows that were present in my project spreadsheet.
I filtered column B for pink, so that you can see the missing ones.
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I absolutely will.
I realize that the question has already been answered, but you really don't need VBA to do it.
Try a Conditional Formatting formula like this:
Alternatively, what is the condition(s) that the cells in column A match to make them go pink?
Use that as a Conditional formatting and have the format applied to ranges in columns A, G & H
Column A turns pink based on a duplicate value criteria.
My suggested criteria for columns G and H mimics that by testing column A for non-blank cells and COUNTIF greater than 1.
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