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Signature is blank by particular user.
Hi Experts,
I have a user That the following code causes the text to be blank.
If Len(Signature & "") > 1000 Then
Me.ScaleMode = 3
Me.LabelPatientSignature.FontSize = 8
Me.ScaleMode = 1
Me.LabelPatientSignature.FontSize = 7
End If
This only affects the Else condition.
How do I fix it?
Hi Bit,
They claimed to have followed what it says on that windows report site, but it didn't help.
any other suggestion?
please explain what you mean with "Signature is blank".
You say it happens in the True case which means, the length of "Signature & """ is greater than 1000. So how could this short piece of code end in an empty value for Signature?
If you have stepped through the code you should be able to see the value (in the "Locals" window) and where it appears to be empty - it cannot be in the "true" part of this code as it's length is >1000.
Hi Bit,
Yes, the same record is showing by one user in signature field blank while in other users pc it has value.
This is part of the fields value.
We have code that converts this into signature.
again, can you explain it in more details?
Your question above was: "the following code causes the text to be blank" and it should be in the True part.
If "Signature" is a field from a record (which you didn't mention before) - how could that particular code do anything with the contents of the field - there is no code which changes "Signature", even if it would be a variable.
Only the screenshot now tells me a bit more: as the title begins with "dbo_" it is very likely that this is a linked table or a linked view to a SQL Server backend (why did you not supply such information?).
So if for one user the field is blank and for other user not - how do you come to the conclusion that it could be the code you posted above which does not change anything?
The more likely thing is simply, that user A has permissions to read the contents of the field and user B has not. So the first thing to check is not some VBA code but the permissions each user has on this table/view.
Hi Bit,
Today user claims its working, very likely the link I posted above to reinstall the font fixed the issue.
So if for one user the field is blank and for other user not - how do you come to the conclusion that it could be the code you posted above which does not change anything?
As mentioned, I connected to the users pc, stepped thru the code and saw that when executing that part is when it goes blank, while when I execute the else part it does show.
OK, that's something where nobody else than you can find out what's happening as it would need this environment and Access file to see what's happening.
I have no idea what "ScaleMode" is and changing the fontsize doesn't change any text. As you don't change any text here it cannot have the effect that a text is blank after this code.
The only thing is that font size 7 is very small so maybe it causes to be too small to see depending on the screen resolution and monitor size and Windows zoom settings and so on.
Simply check the text you mean (which one? No text is changed here.) if it still contains data by setting a breakpoint and print it in the Immediate window.
"ScaleMode" seems to be an own property and so maybe there is code which causes the effect?