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specific periods of videos not recording, converting or zipping
Video 1 about 2 GB size not playing from 45 minutes 56 seconds to 56 minutes.
Video 2 about 3 GB size not playing from 14 minutes 46 seconds till 26 minutes.
Any way i can record whole videos of above videos by using screen recording software's or video conversion tools to different format from mpg to mp4 etc. on to laptop C drive.
I have lot of these kinds of videos with similar issues.
When I try to to zip of these videos or containing folders that is also not working.
Is it issue with video file or the external hard drive. If it is issue with external hard drive anything i can do on my own to rectify the defective hard drive.
Please advise
what model ext harddrive is it?
model is as attachedIMG20230809134546.jpg
what i do with bad HDD's is :
run the short test of the seagate diagnostic to ensure it's operating ok.
then i run HDDregenerator ( not free) Dmitriy Primochenko Online (
if you do,'t have that and don't want to spend any money, try running chkdsk
@skullnobrains - from an earlier question we learned one of the error messages:
Interrupted action. Can't read from the source file or disk.
can be an io error or actually more likely timeout which would not be surprising if the external drive is recording and transcoding to itself simultaneously. if the latter is correct, the disk might not be dead. sorry i have no time to go through the other thread.
2 different media
1 copy off site
1 copy offline
0 errors on backup media
Your only alternative now is to send the drive to a data recovery service. which averages $1/GB recovered.