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Bob CollisonFlag for Canada

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Setup Gmail Management in Outlook 2016

I have two Gmail Accounts that I want to access through Outlook 2016 using POP/SMTP so I can use my .PST File

How do I do it?


Bob C.

Avatar of Randy Downs
Randy Downs
Flag of United States of America image

You have to setup POP in Gmail account 1st. You can switch to the 2nd gmail account or setup on another browser. Each account in Outlook has its own .pst.

Multiple Google Accounts


First, set up POP in Gmail

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. In the top right, click Settings User generated image User generated image See all settings.
  3. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
  4. In the "POP download" section, select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Next, make changes on your email client

Go to your client, like Microsoft Outlook, and check these settings.

Incoming Mail (POP) Server

Requires SSL: Yes

Port: 995

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server

Requires SSL: Yes

Requires TLS: Yes (if available)

Requires Authentication: Yes

Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587

If you use Gmail with your work or school account, check with your administrator for the correct SMTP configuration.

Server timeoutsGreater than 1 minute (5 is recommended)
Full Name or Display NameYour name
Account Name, User Name, or Email addressYour email address
PasswordYour Gmail password

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Hi Randy,

I followed your instructions.  After making the changes to my Microsoft Outlook I get the message 'We couldn't logon to the Incoming (POP) Server. Please check your email address / password and try again'.

I double checked everything but still get the same error message.


Bob Collison.

Hi Randy,

When I set the 'Enable POP for all mail' option and save it if I go back in it is un selected.  i.e. Not saved / set.


Bob C.

See if this helps


POP suddenly stopped working on Outlook


POP suddenly stopped working on Outlook.


  • Gmail is configured with Microsoft Outlook using POP
  • No recent changes to Google Workspace account


If it’s been a long time since you set up Gmail with Outlook using POP, you may need to authorize it again.

  1. Update your email client to the latest version.
  2. Go to
  3. Allow less secure apps if it is not already enabled.
  4. Go to and follow the steps on the page. If you use Gmail through your organization, visit In the web address, replace YOURDOMAIN.COM with your domain name.
  5. Your messages should start coming in.

Hi Randy,

When I try to set the 'lesssecureapps' I get a message 'This setting is not available for your account.'.


Bob C.

Looks like a bug. See if the following helps. 


You can verify your age is entered correctly by the following: 
Ad Personalisation: 

Hi Randy,,

I checked Birthday and it is setup correctly.

When I try to check Age Verification it advises that it is Unavailable.

Ad Personalisation is turned On.


Bob C.

Are these accounts Google Workspace? If so you may need administrator privileges. 


Hi Randy,

No they are just personal.


Bob C.

Try using IMAP to see if that works.

Hi Randy,

Yes I was able to use IMAP but it doesn't allow me to use my .pst file.


Bob C.

That true for both Gmail accounts? The setting for  'lesssecureapps' is not available if you have 2 factor enabled.

User generated image

Hi Randy,

I only tried one Account and I don't have 2-Step Verification.


Bob C.

Maybe try another trial of a newer Outlook. In previous versions of Outlook  'lesssecureapps' was mandatory but the current version of Office 365 seems to be OK with Google.

Hi Randy,

I won't use a subscription service from Microsoft and since I have 6 PCs I'm not prepared right now to rplace all my copies of Office.


Bob C.

Yeah subscriptions are a pain but upgrading Outlook may be the only way to get Gmail to .pst. Microsoft 365 does let you install on 5 PCs so it's reasonably priced & the 1 TB One Drive/user is nice to have. 

Since .pst is best used on 1 PC, a single Outlook license ($160) may suffice. IMAP is likely more useful on multiple devices. 

You could try the trial version to see if it resolves your issue with Gmail. 


Microsoft trial

Hi Randy,

I believe the reason I have stayed with POP is that I can have all my email accounts put their data in a single .PST File.  Can I have one .OST contain the data from all my email accounts or must I have a seprate .OST for each Account.

I have setup two test Gmail IMAP Accounts in my Outlook.  I then tried to map both of them to one .OST data file but can't see how to do it.

The bottom line is that I want to be able to do this.  Is there another way to accomplish this?  I think this a different 'ask' so just let me know if you would like me to open a second Question.


Bob C.

.ost doesn't need to be saved since it's re-created if it's deleted. You can backup ost to .pst to save older messages & keep the server copies down to a reasonable size or simply to move them to another machine.

In general .ost is more useful for multiple machines since it doesn't rely on a file on a machine. If you were to select removal of server copy of email after download to .pst, it would become unavailable for any other machine. Typicallly, you should direct the server to keep files for a reasonable amount of time when using .pst.

.ost vs .pst

To backup .ost use file/Import/Export & select .pst

Hi Randy,

I'm mostly confused by your comments.

I want to have the equivalent of a .pst (.ost?) located on specific PCs and when I download the message to a PC I want the message deleted from the Server.

Can I accomplish this?


Bob C.

Ok if you delete the message from the server immediately after downloading into a POP .pst, it's no longer available for any a other machine. If you have all 6 of your PCs running Outlook, it would could keep 5 of them from getting the message since it has been deleted from he server. Typically we don't immediately delete messages immediately but you could still end up with missing messages if a PC is not running before the message gets deleted.

IMAP .ost protocol doesn't download emails to your PC. That makes the message available for all machines & typically shows status like read/unread on all machines.

Bottom line is IMAP is best for multiplle machines but you should periodically back them up to a .pst & archive. 

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Bob Collison
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No .ost doesn't download the messages to the local machine & doesn't remove them from the server unless you permanently delete. The only way to get .ost messages onto your machine is to export them to .pst

Hi Randy,

OK.  Then IMAP doesn't seem to be an option for me and it also appears that Gmail is not an option because it forces me to use IMAP.

So I will investigate other possible ISP Email like Yahoo.

I'm  updating this as the 'solution'.

Thanks very much for all your work on this.

Bob. C.