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Vishal JaiswalFlag for United States of America

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how to compare 2 comma seperated strings in oracle sql

I want to write a sql or pl/sql function anything. My moto is to compare 2 comma seperated strings. 

suppose 1 string is vishal,jaiswal and other is vishal,kumar

these both strings are differnet, my query or function will compare and say me yes or no. 

Avatar of slightwv (䄆 Netminder)
slightwv (䄆 Netminder)

Can I assume by the question you want to check the individual values not just the strings as a whole?

So if string1 is 'vishal,jaiswal' and string 2 is 'jaiswal,vishal' you want them to match?

Assuming you want identical elements, regardless of order to match then try using str2tbl and then compare the resulting sets

           WHEN str2tbl('vishal,jaiswal') = str2tbl('jaiswal,vishal')            THEN                'match'            ELSE                'no match'        END   FROM DUAL; SELECT CASE
           WHEN str2tbl('vishal,jaiswal') = str2tbl('vishal,kumar')            THEN                'match'            ELSE                'no match'        END   FROM DUAL;

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There are many versions of str2tbl on the internet.
Here's one I use frequently...

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE vctab as table of varchar2(4000);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION str2tbl(p_string IN VARCHAR2, p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2 := ',')
    RETURN vctab
    v_length   NUMBER := LENGTH(p_string);
    v_start    NUMBER := 1;
    v_index    NUMBER;
    WHILE (v_start <= v_length)
        v_index := INSTR(p_string, p_delimiter, v_start);

        IF v_index = 0
            PIPE ROW (SUBSTR(p_string, v_start));

            v_start := v_length + LENGTH(p_delimiter);
            PIPE ROW (SUBSTR(p_string, v_start, v_index - v_start));

            v_start := v_index + LENGTH(p_delimiter);
        END IF;

END str2tbl;

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If you want exact matches, then just compare the strings directly..

case when a=b then 'match' else 'no match' end

If you have APEX installed, you can use APEX_STRING built-ins for this:

select case
         when apex_string.split('vishal,jaiswal', ',') = apex_string.split('vishal,kumar', ',') then           'match'          else           'no match'        end is_match   from dual;

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Maybe this one could also work (no row would mean match, else no match):

-- no match
select *   from apex_string.split('vishal,jaiswal', ',') minus select *   from apex_string.split('vishal,kumar', ','); -- match select *   from apex_string.split('vishal,jaiswal', ',') minus select *   from apex_string.split('jaiswal,vishal', ',');

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@slightwv (䄆 Netminder) 

I am using listagg and get the string in order. so i am expecting that i will get 'vishal,jaiswal', these 2 values always in order. now i have to compare.

suppose one has 'vishal,kumar,jaiswal' and other has 'vishal,jaiswal' so its a mismatch.

I will take care of order using listagg, but if you have a solution then also it is ok

Then as Sean posted, just compare the strings:
case when a=b then 'match' else 'no match' end

you can't do the MINUS method as Alex showed above without doing it twice  a minus b and then b minus a and confirming both return no rows.
The apex solution is another one of the many str2tbl variations I mentioned.
And as I mentioned before, if you just want to compare two strings of text, then just compare them directly.
The fact that the text is a comma delimited isn't relevant.

@Sean Stuber  I do not want to create a type. we are not allowed to do in production. Function is ok, because i can use in WITh FUNCTION. 

Please advise something where no need to create a type :-( 

slightwv (䄆 Netminder)
Can not create type. its production. I am ok with function. because can use in direct sql as WITH FUNCTION

you don't need a function or a type, if you just want to compare the text of the list to see if they are the same or different just use "="  
if that doesn't work, please give an example that shows the problem and what you expect the results to be

>>Can not create type. its production.

Yes, as we've been saying...
As easy as:

case when 'vishal,jaiswal' = 'vishal,kumar' then 'match' else 'no match' end

I am doing 

listagg(unique aid_category,',') within group(order by eligibility_id) as current_aid_cat

This returns aid_cat_47, aid_cat_17,aid_cat_AL

My other column is :

listagg(unique prev_aid_category,',') within group(order by eligibility_id) as prev_aid_cat

This returns aid_cat_47, aid_cat_57,aid_cat_AL

In this one aid_category is change. I just want to say that there is a mismatch. Because i am comparing all aid_cat they receive previously and now. if both are different then mismatch

doing case in CTE next block like 

case when current_aid_cat = prev_aid_cat then 'match' else 'mismatch' end as is_same gives me error : INVALID NUMBER

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Sean Stuber

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With N1 As


   Select Up.Id As User_Profile_Id, E.Id As Elg_Id, E.Oep_Id As Oep_Id, E.Determination_Date As Elg_Determination_Date, E.Eligibility_Status

   From Eligibility E, User_Profile Up

   Where Up.Deleted                = 0

   And Up.Id                       = E.User_Profile_Id

   And Up.Id = 959093401


   And E.Oep_Id =(Select Max(E1.Oep_Id) From Eligibility E1 Where E1.User_Profile_Id   = E.User_Profile_Id


   And E.Determination_Date =(Select Max(E2.Determination_Date) From Eligibility E2 Where E2.User_Profile_Id   = E.User_Profile_Id 


                     And E2.Oep_Id = E.Oep_Id)


N2 As (

   Select N1.*, M1.Id As Elg_Member_Id, Prog.Aid_Category, M1.First_Name, M1.Last_Name, M1.Member_Reference_Id,  E4.Id Previous_Eligibility 

   From N1 N1, Elg_Member M1, Elg_Member_Program_Result Prog, Eligibility E4

   Where N1.Elg_Id=M1.Eligibility_Id

   And M1.Id = Prog.Elg_Member_Id

   And Prog.Aid_Category Is Not Null

   And N1.User_Profile_Id = E4.User_Profile_Id

   And E4.Id = (Select Max(E5.Id) From Eligibility E5 Where E5.User_Profile_Id = E4.User_Profile_Id


            And E5.Determination_Date < N1.Elg_Determination_Date


   And 1 < (Select Count(*) From Elg_Member M2 Where M1.Eligibility_Id = M2.Eligibility_Id)

), N3 As( Select N2.User_Profile_Id, Elg_Id As Latest_Eligibility, Previous_Eligibility, Listagg(unique Aid_Category,',') Within Group (Order By Member_Reference_Id) Current_Aid_Cat From N2

Group By N2.User_Profile_Id, Elg_Id , Previous_Eligibility

) ,

N4 As (

Select N2.User_Profile_Id, Elg_Id As Latest_Eligibility, Previous_Eligibility, Listagg(unique Empr4.Aid_Category,',') Within Group (Order By Em4.Member_Reference_Id) Previous_Aid_Cat 

From N2, Elg_Member Em4, Elg_Member_Program_Result Empr4

Where N2.Previous_Eligibility = Em4.Eligibility_Id 

And Em4.Id = Empr4.Elg_Member_Id 

And Empr4.Aid_Category Is Not Null

Group By N2.User_Profile_Id, Elg_Id , Previous_Eligibility

) Select N3.*, N4.Previous_Aid_Cat,N3.Current_Aid_Cat, N4.Previous_Eligibility, Case when N3.Current_Aid_Cat = N4.Previous_Eligibility then 'Match' else 'NO Match' end as Is_same

 From N3, N4

 Where N3.User_profile_id = N4.User_Profile_id;


  • N1 block is ok.. it gives me latest application for each profile (no need to check.. its perfect)
  • N2 block is ok.. It gives me previous application for same profile (no need to check, its perfect)
  • N3 block, i used listagg to make a comma seperated string for all aid_category of current application. this gives me current data in comma seperated string
  • N4 block, i used listagg again to make a comma seperated string for all aid_category of previous application . this gives me previous data in comma seperated string
  • Now i want to check if both form the same string or not. so i used 
  • Case when N3.Current_Aid_Cat = N4.Previous_Eligibility then 'Match' else 'NO Match' end as Is_same

And this gives error as invalid number. both strings are printed correctly 

slightwv (䄆 Netminder) and Sean Stuber 

Thanks.. you both are correct. I did mistake.. its copy paste, in case i am comparing aid_cat with eligibility.. its straight forward standard error. I did mistake.. its solved.. thanks. thanks you both. you guyz are genius