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tracking down environment vairiable creation
We are in a Server 2019 Active directory environment with all windows 10 clients
Every user currently has an environment variable that points to a file share that is being retired. I'd like to know how this environment variable is being created.
I thought it was being created in a login script, but that is not the case.
Can anyone give me other places to look or how to find out how this is being created.
Ay and all information is greatly appreciated
It may be a script that adds a reg key
You should be able to delete using the System Properties / Advanced tab. The option is near the bottom of the advanced tab.
Or you can do it in Command/PowerShell using an empty variable. It may also be set in a conf file. What app does the E/V apply to?
Set <var_name>=
Of course we assume the variable isn't set in the system or user environment settings on the System applet - but that needs to be confirmed.
Following rodneys suggestion led me to the correct GPO, which I was able to address and fix.
Thank you all for your suggestions
Is there any chance it was created manually? If you delete it for a user, log out, and log back in, does it reappear?