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Beginner at compiling .SCSS into .CSS - $primary variable does not seem to be "declared" (defined) during compilation.
I am auto-compiling my .scss files during the build process and now I am being prevented from debugging due to the errors encountered:
&:focus {
box-shadow: none;
transition: all 0.1s linear;
border-color: $primary;
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px $primary;
I did a search for "$primary" and I found this:
and I see sections of code like this:
$theme-colors: () !default;
$theme-colors: map-merge((
"primary": $primary,
"secondary": $secondary,
"success": $success,
"info": $info,
"warning": $warning,
"danger": $danger,
"light": $light,
"dark": $dark
), $theme-colors);
Where it would seem that $primary IS being declared and defined.
I cannot seem to find any reason in the code for this error message.
How do I fix this so the compiler sees $primary being defined?
I know .SCSS kind of uses a compilation "tree" where items get defined lower in the tree, so-to-speak, and then get "rolled-up" into single .scss files which then get compiled into a CSS file, ultimately.
Files with an "_" do not get compiled, per se. They are what gets rolled-up into a single ".scss" parent which THEN gets compiled into a final ".css" file of the same name. For example, "bootstrap.scss" gets compiled into "bootstrap.css".
But this one has me stumped.