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Meraki Vlans setup
Meraki MX250 to be setup. We have Comcast EDI connection. for now, we are using the main wan connection. We setup the static IP address on the Meraki, and we created three vlans on it. Vlan 1, 20, 30. Vlan 1 is our main one and native Vlan too for Internet access of our workstations on port 3. Vlan 20 is for the Voip Phones on port 4. Vlan 30 is for the Camera system on port 5. All these ports are designated as access ports. every one of these ports are connected to Cisco switches which are already setup to have those vlans on the ports where all these devices( Data, VOIP, Cameras) are connected to.
the question is ' should I have the Meraki ports 3,4, and 5 as Access ports or Trunk ports?
To be more precise,
port 3 of Meraki (vlan1) is an access port that is fed to one of the Cisco switches port that is on Vlan1.
Port4 of Meraki (vlan20) is an access port that is fed to Cisco switch port that is on vlan20.
Port5 of Meraki (vlan30) is an access port that is fed to Cisco switch port that is on vlan30