asked on
Script to club and copy files to sub folders
I have a folder ( folder is C:\MyFolder ) where about 150k+ files are kept .
The files are named sequentially. Sample entries are
RelTdr-000002 ....
I am looking a powershell script ( or macro or any means) by which I can get folders created under a root folder (C:\MyFolder\MyRoot) with 1000 files each ( please keep the count of file as a variable )
The folder can be named sequentially like Fold1, Fold2 , Fold3 ......
Files should be copied
Run the script now
With last folder , copy should be done
$root = 'C:\MyFolder'
$filemask = 'RelTdr-*'
$foldermask = 'Folder{0:d3}' # static name plus 3 digits
$batchsize = 1000
push-location $root
[int] $i = 0
[int] $fi = 1
Get-ChildItem $filemask -File |
Sort-Object Name |
% {
if (0 -eq ($i++ % $batchsize))
# new folder
$curFolder = $foldermask -f $fi++
MkDir $curFolder
Copy-Item $_ $curFolder
The script (intentionally) displays the folders created ("Folder001" aso.) as kind of progress indicator.The parts you can change should be obvious.
The numbers used in file names are irrelevant, the script is just counting the content matching the filemask variable.
The script cannot be run multiple times without receiving errors. If you need to rerun the script for tests, delete the created folders first.
Thanks. It works . But can I get a slight modification
Can the Copy happen to a folder C:\CopyFolder ( PLease keep this a variable )
The files should get moved or copied?
Do you want to run the script again later?
If the last folder won't receive the given count of files, should it be skipped or done?