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Bulk change primary SMTP email address
How to bulk change the primary email address suffix of users in Exchange online/o365.
There was a period when we couldn't use our default domain as the default - something to do with federation or MFA/SSO. During this period ALL new users were created with the suffix as their Primary SMTP email address.
We've got our default/proper domain now back and new users are getting the correct @ suffix but i notice that we have 100+ users with the @* suffix.
Is there a powershell script I can run that says something like:
Get All mailbox users - if suffix = then change it to
So at present we have and we want to end up with
Save me having to go into AD attributes and changing the Proxy SMTP address. and Synching.
p.s we're hybrid exchange online
This script may help you
$listuser = get-aduser -Filter * -Properties SamAccountName,proxyAddresses,mail
$DomainController = "your-dc"
$Newdomain = ""
foreach ($user in $listuser) {
$oldaddress = $user.mail -split "@"
$secondarysmtp = $user.mail
$Newaddress = $oldaddress[0] + "@" + $Newdomain
$UserEmails = @("SMTP:$Newaddress","smtp:$secondarysmtp")
$SamAccountName = $user.SamAccountName
Set-ADUser -Identity $SamAccountName -Server $DomainController -Replace @{proxyAddresses=$UserEmails}