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An algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Algorithms exist that perform calculation, data processing, and au...

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Troubleshooting Solution

Pseudocode with 4 variables



I need your help to find a short pseudocode for the next problem.

The logic will be implemented in

Advice Solution

What can you tell me about the Gang of Four?


What can you tell me about the Gang of Four?


Advice Solution

Please explain how to create Expression Trees when working with C#?


Please explain how to create Expression Trees when working with C#?

I am fairly new to Expression

Advice Solution

What Sort methods are available in .NET?


What Sort methods are available in .NET?

I have not yet learned to describe the various types of sort

Troubleshooting Solution

Any crypto mining that's worth it, today?


Any crypto mining that's worth it, today?

I see Ethereum no longer mines and BitCoin looks like you

Troubleshooting Solution

Improve the speed to find difference of elements in array


I have written a code to find out the a given different for two elements in array. However, it is

Troubleshooting Solution

Quick Algorithm to find median of large sequence of numbers


I have tried several way to find a median with C++. However, I still can't pass through the test,

Troubleshooting Solution

Data structure (stack)


Given 5 points foming a regular pentagon together with another point at the center of the pentagon

Troubleshooting Solution

elasticsearch; document database, algorithms



I have a big problem of performance in my application;

My application receives packages via

Research Solution

Is insertion sort a stable algorithm?


 What would make an algorithm unstable? If possible could you include examples?
If you haven't seen

Troubleshooting Solution

Associate lists of names with list of phone numbers from text messages


There are 40 members in a group I belong to. I get group event text messages with either 4,6,8, or

Research Solution

How many Bitcoin GPU's, today?


How many Bitcoin GPU's, today?

A few years ago, I was told there were 2 Billion GPU's mining Bitcoin.

Research Solution

I need to make my QR code bullet proof


I need to make my QR code bullet proof

I want to make sure nobody "hacks" my QR code by reading the

Troubleshooting Solution

Generate unique patterns from a string


Given a 4-letter string like ABCD, I know that there are 256 permutations (with repitition allowed)

Advice Solution

Fortran code for MD5 hash of a string


Hi Experts,

I am looking for a Fortran implementation that will give me the MD5 hash of a string.


Troubleshooting Solution

Hashing strings to unique buckets

When hashing a list of strings to a hash-table with number of buckets = O(N) where N is the  size of …
Troubleshooting Solution

Data structure to find GetMean in O(log n) time

I need ideas for designing a data structure that does insertdelete and getmean(a,b) all in
Troubleshooting Solution

How to compare 2 large sets of id numbers in Java?

I have 2 files containing around 1 million id numbers each (string data type). I want to work …
Troubleshooting Solution

Avoiding collisions

There are two circular railroad lines. One line is in country C; the other in the country A.
 The …
Troubleshooting Solution

Set Even Parity

Have I done the exercise right or is something wrong?

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