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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language. Usually used to ...

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Developer & Coffee Roaster

I have over 30 years experience in Sales, Marketing, Technology and Developing solutions.

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Angular Material Table CSS & Custom Filter Help


data.json  home.zip

I'm learning Angular/Web dev and I'm getting stuck on how to apply styling to an

Troubleshooting Solution

Is there a shorter method of adding a lot of spaces?


I'm using:  &#160 to insert a space.

I have to use a lot of them to get the display I need. Is there

Troubleshooting Solution

Entity &nbsp not defined   ???


I'm trying to use   for inserting spaces, but I'm getting the following error:

Entity &nbsp  not

Troubleshooting Solution

Max mega menu row spacing



Click on Company dropdown arrow

The image on the right is pushing down

Troubleshooting Solution

Table <Style> in Html-mail


Hi Experts,

I need an style in a html mail that will format my table properly.
Not style elements in

Troubleshooting Solution

Using CSS and an Image for a button in a form


I am trying to use an image as a button

All it shows is a blue rectangle and not the image.


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Field Label In Form Is Truncated


I need to move the "email" label over where it can be seen clearly rather than truncated.

This is the

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How do I hide this div?


I use ASP.NET and can insert CSS right into this div. But, how do I hide the entire div?


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Content overflows



I have the following website: link  and in mobile mode, the content (form and google map)

Troubleshooting Solution

Trying to fade text with JavaScript/jQuery


Using HTML, CSS, JS, and jQuery, I'm trying to fade the text of a textBlock in and out.  I have a 6

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Align to left to the same position all reviews



I modified in the back-end of my WordPress website. (changed review plugin in the code), but now

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My HTML/JavaScript navigation doesn't work.


I am working on a website for my veterans' organization.  On one of the pages I am showing

Troubleshooting Solution

Make code mobile responsible



How can I make this script responsible for dektop and mobile devices?

I would like to make the

Troubleshooting Solution

How to fix up-down toggle for this site


I have the following site and what I tried: link 

I would like to do the following

-add two

Troubleshooting Solution

How to add a background color to HTML section?



I am trying to set the background color of a section that contains an external form. The

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Chrome Dev Tools CONSOLE reports "Hot Reload" ignoring .CSS files?  Fixable?


Wondering if the "HOT RELOAD" message can be fixed?

Has anyone dealt with this?  My guess is that it

Troubleshooting Solution

How to prevent an unordered list from breaking on Safari using CSS?


How do I prevent an unordered list item from wrapping on Safari browser? What CSS is needed? 


Troubleshooting Solution

How to use Glyphicons with Bootstrap 5.3 based JSP pages?


I need to upgrade BootStrap3.5 to 5.3 css and js library in my app.

In my JSP files, Glyphicons are

Advice Solution

What is the best practice to sync Laravel calendar to Outlook?



This is regarding the Outlook calendar integration question we already closed.

Troubleshooting Solution

Accordion icon stays in open position even after closed


Hello Everyone,

I'm working on replacing the WooCommerce tabs with an accordion, however, I've run

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