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IBM DB2 is a family of relational database server products developed by IBM that have been extended to support object-relational features and non-r...

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Expert Spotlight
Database Administrator / Software Engineer

Over 20 years of experience as an Application Architect/Developer, a Database Administrator, and a PM focusing on performance.

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 Last login date for user on Windows


DB2 11.5 on Windows

Is there any way to get a list of the last time a user accessed DB2?  I am trying

Troubleshooting Solution

Using DB2 Temp Tables


Running DB2 11.5 LUW on Windows Server.

I am trying to use temp table in DB2 11.5 and not having much

Troubleshooting Solution

IBM DB/2 ODBC connection error after system swap


Hello Experts,

I am an ODBC dummy and have been pulled into a problem with an ODBC connection to a

Troubleshooting Solution

connect to Ibm Db2 console with Windows domain account



I search how I can connect to Ibm Db2 console with Windows domain account and not db2admin

Research Solution

DB2 find queries with most CPU usage over last 6 months


DB2 11.5 on Windows Server.

What is the best way to monitor what queries use the most CPU?  My boss

Advice Solution

Performance Difference between DB2 11.5 Standard and Enterprise editions


DB2 11.5 on Windows Server.

If I have two identical servers with identical databases but one is

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 11.5 index or constraint error


DB2 11.5 on Windows Server

How do I identify the index or constraint given by this error when I try

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 Update a subset of records in large (10M) row table


DB2 11.5 LUW on Windows Server

I have a customer that is retooling their system and they are changing

Troubleshooting Solution

db2look command


I am trying to extract "only" the following from a DB2 database in a DDL script:


Research Solution

Anyone have any feedback OS400 LPARs being upgraded from v7r3 to v7r5?


Anyone have any feedback OS400 LPARs being upgraded from v7r3 to v7r5?

Troubleshooting Solution

how would I display all item and price information where an item's most current effective date?


Hi, I'm trying to write an IBMi DB2 SQL select statement to display records for the

Troubleshooting Solution

download DB2 10.5 expression edition for Windows



I search to download DB2 10.5 expression edition for Windows.

Thank you

Advice Solution

I would like to know if anyone knows a way to import a excel spreadsheet to a DB2 database?


I would like to know if anyone knows a way to import a excel spreadsheet to a DB2 database?  Other

Advice Solution

Create random number list in DB2


DB2 11.5 on Windows

We have a process that uses a predefined list of numbers as receipt numbers.

Troubleshooting Solution

Delete from DB2 table with many FK constraints


DB2 11.5 on Windows

I have a large table that I need to purge of data greater than 10 years old.

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 restore in rollforward pending state


DB2 11.5 on Windows.

I restored a DB2 database to a new server and when I do the rollfoward command I

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 coding


I have DB2 database and have the following question.

The following 2 queries, are they returning the

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 How to override auto generated ID in table


DB2 11.5 on Windows Server

I need to refresh a test database using prod data.  As part of the

Troubleshooting Solution

DB2 restore error previous restore is incomplete or still in progress


DB2 11.5 on Windows.

I am trying to restore a DB2 11.5 database from the test server to the dev

Troubleshooting Solution

Why is SQL output in IBM IAccess client displaying in Hex format?


Hi.  I am querying IBM DB2 data through the Run SQL Scripts function in the IBM IAccess client. I

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