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SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a suite of relational database management system (RDBMS) products providing multi-user database access functionality.SQL Se...

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Troubleshooting Solution

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.



For generate view for table I execute below script : 

How can I resolve, please ?

Thank you 

Troubleshooting Solution

SSIS pkg works fine until it is called from the Agent -- "encryption failed:  No public key"


I have a SSIS package which generates a csv file, encrypts the file using GnuPG, and then uploads

Troubleshooting Solution

SQL query to find MS Teams version


I am new to SQL query language and learning this process. I am trying to get the MS Teams versions

Advice Solution

SQL get list of schemas


Using a SQL query, is there any way to list all the schemas across all the databases within a SQL

Troubleshooting Solution

Server 2022/KB5035857 won't install


I have a Windows Server 2022 Standard server. It is running SQL 2019. Update KB5035857 refuses to

Research Solution

password policy for SQL server 2019/2022



in SQL server how can we control and enforce password policy in mandatory way?


1) at least 8

Troubleshooting Solution

Backing up SQL Server 2016 Configuration


Hello Experts,

Let me start out by saying that I'm not a SQL Server DBA.  In fact I can honestly say

Troubleshooting Solution

Access ODBC issues with v17/basic driver


Suddenly, we're having issues with record adding through a v17 odbc connection to a 2016 SQL Express

Troubleshooting Solution

How to display values from Access DB in message box?


I need to develop either a function or a module to check the contents of a table named Audit. The

Troubleshooting Solution

SQL Server Function does not return desired results only how many rows are affected.


SQL Server 2022.

I have the following Scalar-valued Function:

As we can see, this function calls

Troubleshooting Solution

Connect to SQL application over VPN



I have an SMB client for whom I'm trying to perform a DR test.  The issue is coming up

Troubleshooting Solution

SQL Server 2019 with O365 database mail account -- email is not functioning.


SQL Server 2019.  Trying to setup Database Mail using O365.   TLS 1.2 is there, the O365 account

Troubleshooting Solution

Using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP with SQL Server status, statusText and responseHeader are all null


Dearest Obi Wan,

We've been using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP for a long time with SQL Server.

Recently it

Troubleshooting Solution

Replace FORMAT in SQL calculated field to make it deterministic


I am trying to make a deterministic, persisted calculated column in SQL Server.

The tricky bit is

Research Solution

migrateSQL 2019/2022 on pre and oracle 12c/19c/20c  to Azure SQL



Right now we have a plan to migration SQL 2019/2022 on pre to Azure SQL, please suggest the

Advice Solution

Stuck with SQL invalid columns


I am trying to create an audit table in MSSQL DB.  I want to add only the changes to the record from

Troubleshooting Solution

Correct Permission on specific SQL DB Table


Users access SQL DB for SELECT and they are mapped as db_datareader, db_denydatawriter and public.

Troubleshooting Solution

ASP Classic - Display record once inside of LOOP


Hello, All.

I have run into an issue that is about to drive me up the wall.
I've made up a demo table

Troubleshooting Solution

Access with SQL server error over WIFI: "Connection is busy with results for another command"

In an Access front-end with SQLserver tables links with ODBC, when the user in connected via wifi,

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