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.NET.NET Programming

The .NET Framework is not specific to any one programming language; rather, it includes a library of functions that allows developers to rapidly bu...

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How do I display data in a grid based on multiple ID values in my link.xml file.


How do I display data in a grid based on multiple ID values in my link.xml file.

For …

How to Be a Better Programmer: Bits and Bytes

Does the idea of dealing with bits scare or confuse you? Does it seem like a waste of time in an age where we all have terabytes of storage? If so, you're missing out on one of the core tools in every professional programmer's toolbox. Learn how to do amazing, modern things with bits!

Recomended read for all.  Less about B.S., more about …

Recomended read for all.  Less about B.S., more about setting expectations
Troubleshooting Solution

TCP\IP sockets Issue with the stream not flushing.


How can I flush the stream of this connection socket.  I keep getting a "155" before my next message


.NET Data Binding 101 - The Basics

If you've been writing in .NET for a bit, you've probably heard about data binding but might not know what it does or how to do it. This article walks you through it in easy, small steps.
Troubleshooting Solution

Input string was not in the correct format

I am having trouble doing a calculation on a webpage...I get the following error input string was …
Troubleshooting Solution

VB.net - uploading a file to a web site

Based on the process outlined here, …
Troubleshooting Solution

Error  HRESULT: 0x800A03EC creating Excel sheet with .NET


I have a .NET 4.6.1 program written in C# that automatically creates some reports in Excel 2016, and


.NET Data Binding 201 - The ViewModel

In this lesson, we're learning how to organize our properties into a separate ViewModel class, and put some repetitive coding into a base class called ViewModelBase.

How to determine the type of file from its contents

There have been many questions here at Experts Exchange along the lines of, "How can I tell the type of file from its contents?", as well as, "What kind of file has the XXX extension?" Sometimes the situation is that a file does not even have an extension. This article addresses those issues.

Getting Your Application Kinect-ed

For those of you who don't follow the news, or just happen to live under rocks, Microsoft Research …

Sharing this here in case someone has not yet come across …

Sharing this here in case someone has not yet come across this.

Beware .NET Framework 4.7 is not …

For anyone that has a similar issue  Windows 10 Pro VS …

For anyone that has a similar issue

Windows 10 Pro
VS 2008
Windows Forms App for Symbol MC3190 …
Troubleshooting Solution

How do I get the unique ID after insert?

Hi - thanks for looking.

I need to be able to capture the unique key once I have done an INSERT …
Troubleshooting Solution

Website hangs on Mysql connection


Hi Experts,

A clients website hangs randomly for all users. Users seem to be stuck at

Troubleshooting Solution

Error installing .NET Framework 4.8 on windows server - Cannot find the object or property



We are in the process of installing software on windows 2019 server  and it is asking for .Net


Video I saw trending today showcases what happens when an …

Video I saw trending today showcases what happens when an IRS phone scammer, attempts to scam the …

Is it the good time now to move to .NET Core?  …

Is it the good time now to move to .NET Core?


Does anybody use Alexa API's?

Does anybody use Alexa API's?

I was trying to do some research on my upcoming .NET project…

I was trying to do some research on my upcoming .NET project and considering what libraries to be …

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