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VBScriptVB Script

VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is an interpreted scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic, but with som...

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Almost 50 years of programming experience. Click '+ More' in my "Full Biography" to see links to some articles I've written.

Troubleshooting Solution

ASP Classic - Split string into array and get only the values after Equal Sign


Hello, all.
(Not the querystring)
I need to iterate through a string and split it by getting ONLY the

Troubleshooting Solution

ASP Classic - Iterate through QueryString and get values in one Variable. (Code provided)


Hello, All.

I need to loop through a QueryString, get all values, and have them placed into a single

Troubleshooting Solution

Modify existing PowerShell scripts to list all unique file types as determined by file extension that will also query all subfolders

byIT Guy

In my other question here I receive two PowerShell scripts that list all unique file types as

Troubleshooting Solution

Trying to connect to SQL Server through VB


I'm able to connect to my SQL Server using the below code:

    MyConnObj.Open _

        "Provider =

Troubleshooting Solution

Issue with VB script duplicating the rule it creates in outlook


I have this code here posted below. Right now, I put the code into the startup folder for windows

Troubleshooting Solution

PowerShell script to list all unique file types as determined by file extension

byIT Guy

I often need to query folders either on my local computer or a remote computer to determine all the

Troubleshooting Solution

Sending out an email using VB .NET


I have the following code in which I'm trying to send out an email.


Troubleshooting Solution

Ortosoft -> Error -2147221164: Class not registered.


Trying to use the "Ortosoft" Winsock component in a VBA application.

I keep getting an error message

Troubleshooting Solution

Script to extract all ASINS from a text file.


Hi Experts,

I am looking for a script that will give me all asin's in a file.

asins are defined as

Troubleshooting Solution

MS Access FileCopy of Hyperlink Field Data


I have been using an MS Access db form containing a Hyperlink field that I drag and drop PDF files

Troubleshooting Solution

implement a.VBS script in SCCM


Hello, I am trying to deploy a .VBS script, with SCCM. I do it by creating a package and within this

Troubleshooting Solution

Detecting user IP issue


Hi EE Brainstrust, I need some help adjusting some code (after moving to a different webhost)


Troubleshooting Solution

No carriage return when line value is null


In SSRS expressions, when Address Line 2 is Null, don't do a carriage return.  Only do carriage

Troubleshooting Solution

Script that will parse folder and set the "Folder is ready for archiving" bit on all subfolders created within previous 48 hours

byIT Guy

The users within my organization export data into a folder named D:\Export on their computers.


Troubleshooting Solution

VB escape


Now and again I encounter a handful of unwanted chars in a string.

I could replace each one causing

Troubleshooting Solution

A basic eBay API sample with VB.NET


I'd like to get started with the current eBay API.

For now, I just want the VB code for a very basic

Troubleshooting Solution

Task scheduler not working unless logged in


I'm trying to get Task Scheduler to work unattended.  I have a vbs script that creates a CuteFtp

Troubleshooting Solution

Help to create script to calculate data from Google Sheet



I need help to improve the” script” in Google Sheet to be able to 

1. Exclude from column

Troubleshooting Solution

SSRS Expression returns a '#Error' when it cannot satisfy the criteria.



I have an SSRS Expression that calls a VB script that returns a message for the user running a

Troubleshooting Solution

I need my existing vb script to address duplicates when attempting to rename folders


I have the following vb script, but I am getting an error that the file exists already when trying

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