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Windows Batch

Batch files are text files containing a script of commands that are executed by the command interpreter on DOS, OS/2 and Windows systems. Most comm...

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Troubleshooting Solution

Issue command line function


I'm trying to issue a command line function.

When I'm in a shell I issue "mkdir w:\derek9" and

Troubleshooting Solution

Exit out of infinite loop in a plain old batch snippet.


Hello Experts, Need help from Human Intelligence.
I asked AI to write a windows batch file that will

Troubleshooting Solution

convert .txt to .xls through a windows batch file.


I have a text file in a folder and I want to covert it to an excel file (.XLS). Is there a way to do

Troubleshooting Solution

Dynamic pick the date in msdos batch file



Need to create a windows scheduler to take backup of db, the sql file should be created with

Troubleshooting Solution

Batch with echo alignment text in column evenly.


Hi Experts,

Need your help to align text to display evenly in column at certain spaces with batch

Troubleshooting Solution

simple batch file not working


for some reason it's not working the cmd windows stays open after opening notepad
neither EXIT nor

Troubleshooting Solution

Windows "Copy" command not working

byBalu G

Hello, I have the following batch file that copies a file called "1_Capacity-workload.xlsm" from

Troubleshooting Solution

How to use WMIC to check a file version?


I have the below command in a batch file that returns the version of a file. I'm wondering how I can

Troubleshooting Solution

Windows batch file and supporting spaces in file path.


I have written the following Windows batch file, which searches for log files and makes individual

Troubleshooting Solution

Programming in outdated windows batch file.


I am trying to ping a host and verify before connecting with ssh using a plain old DOS Batch file. I

Troubleshooting Solution

Windows Batch File with Dialog Box that has OK and Cancel Buttons


I have the following windows batch file, I have a user prompt, but wanted to know if there is a way

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Windows Batch File Not Executing


I have the following windows batch file to COPY folders from one location to another, but it is not

Troubleshooting Solution

Turn off mouse pointers using batch command


In Windows 10 mouse tails can be turned on to help show the position of the mouse.  There is a

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Change RoboCopy command from a copy string to a move string


I would like to change the following copy string to a move string and force move if possible... 

Advice Solution

on Windows batch, how to copy files those are updated in one day and start with "A" (or specific string)


I need to copy files in one holder on Windows to the other for those in below three conditions. 

1) I

Advice Solution

I want to make a simple batch file that compares the date/time stamp of two files.


How can I make a simple batch file that compares the date/time stamp of two files and copies the

Troubleshooting Solution

Power Settings Bat file


Many "moons" ago I created a bat file for power settings - times have changed and I'm looking to add

Advice Solution

PowerShell: Gridview to open open files, folders and go to a website


Hello experts,

I have the following excellent PowerShell:


I was wondering if there is a way to take

Troubleshooting Solution

Convert Batch move script to PowerShell script


I would like to convert the following batch script to a PowerShell script instead. 

How can I achieve

Troubleshooting Solution

How to convert this batch file to Powershell format?


This is about the screensaver settings we currently used via the GPO. There is this batch file named

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