
Wrapper-1, Query.  Show result of Excel Worksheet Function in Access Query

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Experience Level: Beginner
crystal (strive4peace) - Microsoft MVP, Access
Love empowering people by teaching and helping them develop applications.
Wrapper-1-Query. Use an Excel function to calculate a column for an Access query. Part 1. Shows a query in Access that has a calculated column with the results of an Excel worksheet function.

See how to call a wrapper function from a query, and send the information it needs. "Wrapper Function" is a term to mean a user-defined function (UDF) that calls another program. In this case, Excel is called and one of its worksheet functions is used. This example shows  payment calculations for a number of offers from data that is stored in a table (loan amount, annual interest rate, number of years, and number of payments per year) using Excel's PMT function.

Also see how query columns can display in different colors using the format code, and learn about some of the placeholders.

Part 2 shows how the VBA code works:

Even though topics may be technical, I do my best to consider that a beginner may be watching, so extra detail is added. Hopefully not so much that more advanced users turn away ... maybe you will comment and let me know your thoughts about this? Thanks!

have an awesome day,

Video Steps

1. Create a query with the fields you want

2. Define calculated fields with intermediate calculations if desired

3. In the calculated column with results from a VBA wrapper function, specify the function name

Send fields, calculated fields, and literal values as parameters inside parentheses

4. To color data in the column, use [ColorName] in the Format property

The color name in square brackets can be Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Yellow, or White

5. Format codes have 4 parts separated with semi-colon (;)

1. Positive, 2. Negative, 3. Zero, 4. Null (vs Text in Excel)
This article series will show you how to utilise the Next Generation Cryptography (CNG) API from Microsoft for modern hashing and encrypting/decrypting in VBA. In this part: Encryption.
This article series will show you how to utilise the Next Generation Cryptography (CNG) API from Microsoft for modern hashing and encrypting/decrypting in VBA. In this part: Handling passwords.

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