
Building Probability Models in Excel Part 6: Investment Modeling Using a Log-Normal Distritribution

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Experience Level: Beginner
The viewer will learn how to create a normally distributed random variable in Excel, use a normal distribution to simulate the return on an investment over a period of years, Create a Monte Carlo simulation using a normal random variable, and calculate the 5% Value at Risk of the investment from the results.

Video Steps

1. Modeling a Simple Investment: Type in the mean and standard deviation of possible returns

2. Label column A “Return” in cell A5

3. Enter =EXP(NORMINV(RAND(),$B$2,$B$3) into cell A6 and copy down to cell A15

4. Enter 1 into cell B5 to represent $1 invested

5. Enter =B5*A6 into cell B6 and copy down to cell B15

6. Enter =B15 into cell B20

7. Select A20:B519

8. Click Tools > SimTools > Simulation Table

9. Enter 1000 into cell B17 and label “Initial”

10. Enter =$B$17*B21 into cell C21 and copy down to cell C519

11. Enter =PERCENTILE(B20:B519,0.05) into cell B18 and label 5% VaR

Author:Toby Reaper

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