
Introduction to CSS (Part 2)

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Experience Level: Beginner
The viewer will learn the benefit of using external CSS files and the relationship between class and ID selectors.

Video Steps

1. Create your external css file by saving it as style.css then set up your style tags



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2. Reference the nav tag and set your properties.

nav {position relative; left: 0; top:10%;}

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3. Set the reference for the UL element and styles for it as well as setting the background color to green

nav>ul {list-style-type: none; width:100%; height:1.5em; padding:0; margin:0; background-color:#00FF00;}

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4. Position the list elements in line on one row with a width of 60 pixels making sure to give 5 pixels of padding in between

 nav>ul>li{display:inline; width:60px; padding:5px;}

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5. Set a class selector to be used on the links with no underline for the link a background color of purple and text color of white

.navlinks{color:#ffffff; background-color:#FF00FF; text-decoration:none;}

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6. Setup your navigation as such:

				<li><a class="navlinks" href="#">Home</a></li>
				<li><a class="navlinks" href="#">Contact</a></li>
				<li><a class="navlinks" href="#">About</a></li>

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Author:Jason Baker
1 Comment


by:Rowby Goren

Van you post a link to part one of your series,


When it comes to write a Context Sensitive Help (an online help that is obtained from a specific point in state of software to provide help with that state) ,  first we need to make the file that contains all topics, which are given exclusive IDs. …
In programming development, it is very common that a piece of code could be developed, customized, re-used and deployed in many similar areas, so that we can optimize the development and configuration time needed.

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