
Exchange 2019 - Discontinued features

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Experience Level: Beginner
Edward van Biljon (MVP)
Experienced Messaging Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry.
In this video we discuss the features that are in Exchange 2013 and 2016 but are not available in Exchange 2019. One of them being Unified Messaging.

Video Steps

1. Open the EAC

Click on start and then expand Exchange Server 2016 and click on Exchange Admin Center.

2. Login to the EAC

If you have a certificate warning, click yes to continue and then enter the credentials to login and press enter.

3. Click on Servers

On the left hand side, click on Servers.

4. Double click a server

Click on Unified Messaging tab in the middle and see the warning that the command does not exist as this is a bug in Exchange 2019.
This article will guide you how to configure your Exchange server to use internal DNS servers for internal DNS lookup.This is for Exchange 2013 or higher versions. It is recommended to configure the DNS servers for flawless mail flow.
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