
Converting a paper form into an Excel sheet

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Experience Level: Intermediate
Bob Flisser
Bob Flisser has authored many courses and books about Microsoft, Adobe and Apple products, and has been a computer trainer since the 1980s.
Are you ever out of the office somewhere and get a paper form you’d like to convert to an Excel sheet on the spot, without waiting to get back to your scanner? Just take a picture of it with your phone! OK, there’s a little bit more to it than that, but not a lot. Once you have the Office app installed, the rest takes only seconds.
Author:Bob Flisser
Excel formula name translator: Spanish - English and English - Spanish and work in both languages  
This article series will show you how to utilise the Next Generation Cryptography (CNG) API from Microsoft for modern hashing and encrypting/decrypting in VBA. In this part: Storing hashed or encrypted data.

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