
Freezing panes of a large Excel worksheet

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Experience Level: Beginner
Bob Flisser
Bob Flisser has authored many courses and books about Microsoft, Adobe and Apple products, and has been a computer trainer since the 1980s.
If you have a big worksheet where you’re scrolling far left and right or up and down, it can be easy to lose sight of column and row headers, making the worksheet hard to read. By splitting a sheet and freezing panes, you can keep column and row headers fixed while scrolling the data. In this episode, we look at a couple of options for doing it.
Author:Bob Flisser
Depending on the things you do with Microsoft Office, you can sometimes inadvertently lose your recent document lists in apps such as Microsoft Word and Excel. This article shows you how to back up and restore those lists when necessary. Enjoy...
This article series will show you how to utilise the Next Generation Cryptography (CNG) API from Microsoft for modern hashing and encrypting/decrypting in VBA. In this part: Storing hashed or encrypted data.

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