
Using Excel's Let function to Simplify Formulas

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Experience Level: Intermediate
Bob Flisser
Bob Flisser has authored many courses and books about Microsoft, Adobe and Apple products, and has been a computer trainer since the 1980s.
Introduced in the 365 editions of Excel, the Let function lets you define variables, their values and calculations that use them, then use these to simplify complicated formulas. When you have a long formula that repeats a calculation several times, like an If function, Let can make it clearer to understand and modify.
Author:Bob Flisser
Microsoft Power FX new low code language based in Excel formulas
Often times what you may consider better indicators of various items, others do not.  It is always a good idea to have a way to turn off conditional formatting in whatever program is displaying it.  The most obvious I will use here - MS Excel.

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