Browser Bot -- Automate Browsing Sequences with C++ (PART THREE)

In PART ONE and PART TWO of this series, we created a simple dialog-based C++ program that opens a web page, populates some text boxes, and submits the form to a host.

In this article, PART THREE, we will navigate to a particular page of that site and collect some specific information.

There are many reasons to want to automate some browsing activities, but harvesting timely information from websites that provide it is perhaps the most common.  In this article, we'll surf to the Yahoo Movies page so we can get the start times of movies at a local theater.

For demonstration purposes, we'll just collect some data and display it in a MessageBox.  A real webbot might analyze the data -- maybe locate reviews about each movie to help you decide what to see and perhaps plan a schedule so you could see two movies back-to-back with the minimum delay between shows.  Or if you used a bot to collect stock quotes, you might want to feed them into a spreadsheet to do trend analysis.  There is just no limit to what you can do once you know the techniques of automating a browser.

1. Navigate to the Target Page

Using our WebRobot application from PART ONE, open the Dialog Editor. Select the button tool and draw a new button on the form.  Set its Caption to "Get Movie Times" and its ID to IDC_MovieTimes
Double-click the button to start coding its handler.  Make it so:
void CWebRobotDlg::OnBnClickedMovietimes()
                      	CComVariant vZoom( 75L ); // set the zoom level to 75% for fun
                      	m_ctlBrowser.ExecWB( OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, &vZoom, NULL);
                      	//---------- navigate to the movies page for your local ZIP code
                      	CString sUrlMovies= L"";
                      	m_ctlBrowser.Navigate( sUrlMovies, 0,0,0,0 ); 
                      	// --- more code to be added here

Open in new window

I have programmatically set the ZOOM level to 75%.  That makes sense in this context -- we typically want to just monitor the action, not really interact with the browser.  You could even set the zoom to make the page display as a thumbnail without affecting this bot.

2. Test the code

Run the program, and click the new [Get Movie Times] button.  You should see:
The target page

3. Get In Sync with the Browser Control

We'd like to proceed to collecting the movie times from the screen, but as I warned in PART ONE, there is a critical issue to be resolved:  The program cannot start working with the DOM until the page has been fully downloaded and the browser has finalized its processing.  At this point, we've called the browser control's Navigate function, but the page has not yet been loaded.  We need to WAIT at least a little while.  

We have an OnDocumentComplete handler, and we could set a flag in there.  But let's look at an alternative.  We could loop, waiting for the ReadyState to go green, perhaps something like this:
while ( m_ctlBrowser.get_ReadyState() != READYSTATE_COMPLETE ) {
                      	Sleep(100); //<<<---------------------- DON'T DO THIS!!
                      // ... continue with next bot operation

Open in new window

However, a tight loop with a Sleep() call will make the program totally non-responsive.  No messages are processed during a Sleep() call and the browser's ReadyState never changes.  The solution is to add a message-aware delay function to our program.  Just paste the following function somewhere above the OnBnClickedMovietimes() function:
void DelayMs( int nMs )
                      	DWORD nMaxTick= GetTickCount()+ nMs;
                      	while ( GetTickCount() < nMaxTick ) {
                      		MSG msg;
                      		while ( ( GetTickCount() < nMaxTick ) 
                      		   && (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) ) 
                      		) {
                      			AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage();  // does a ::GetMessage()

Open in new window

That's a utility function that lets you delay execution while continuing to process messages.

Now we are ready to program the bot to take the next step -- put the entire HTML of the web page into a text string so that we can begin to process it.

4. Get the Page's HTML Into a String Variable

Replace the last line in OnBnClickedMovietimes() with this code:
	while ( m_ctlBrowser.get_ReadyState() != READYSTATE_COMPLETE ) {
                      		DelayMs( 100 );
                      	//------ page is ready to process
                      	IHTMLDocument2* pDoc= (IHTMLDocument2*)m_ctlBrowser.get_Document();
                      	IHTMLElement* pElemBody= NULL;
                      	pDoc->get_body( &pElemBody );
                      	CComBSTR bstrHTML;
                      	pElemBody->get_innerHTML( &bstrHTML );
                      	CString sBody= bstrHTML;  // easier to work with as a CString
                      	// MessageBox( sBody );

Open in new window

Run the program.

If you uncomment the MessageBox line, you will see an enormous MessageBox containing the body text, in the internal IE format.  If you compare this to the original source text, you will see considerable difference.  Whitespace is gone, tags have been normalized to uppercase, unneeded quotes have been removed, and so forth.  This is the text that we will parse through to locate the nuggets of information we want -- a movie name and its scheduled start times.

5. Scrape That Screen!

I am about to describe what is commonly considered a massive kludge by most programmers.  We are going to dig through the HTML to extract program-usable data from a source that was intended only to be viewed.  

This is the time-honored tradition of screen scraping. There are several other ways to do this, and I'll provide some ideas at the end, but this technique is probably the most straightforward and perhaps the easiest to understand.

The basic technique is to look through the page's HTML source and locate something specific that is near to (just before) the data we want.  We then lop-off all of the preceding HTML and work with that subset.  We progressively zero-in on the data we want by moving forward through the text to find unique markers.  

Add this code to the end of the OnBnClickedMovietimes() function:
	//----------------- zero-in on the data of interest
                      	int nOffset= sBody.Find(L"UA LaCanada");
                      	CString sTmp= sBody.Mid( nOffset ); // lop off the preceding HTML
                      	nOffset= sTmp.Find(L"movie_title" );
                      	sTmp= sTmp.Mid( nOffset );  // lop off the preceding HTML
                      	int nStart= sTmp.Find(L">" )+1;  // isolate movie name
                      	int nEnd=   sTmp.Find(L"<" );
                      	CString sMovieName= sTmp.Mid(nStart, nEnd-nStart );
                      	nStart= sTmp.Find(L"class=first" )+12;
                      	nEnd=   sTmp.Find(L"</UL>" );
                      	CString sMovieTimes= sTmp.Mid(nStart, nEnd-nStart );
                      	sMovieTimes.Replace(L"</LI>\r\n<LI>", L"," );  // cleanup
                      	sMovieTimes.Replace(L"</LI>", L"" );
                      	MessageBox( sMovieTimes, sMovieName );

Open in new window

As with all screen-scraping code, the above works only for that specific page -- the schedule for theaters near the specified ZIP code.  I created that code sequence by looking at the HTML source text, trying some code, examining the result, and then repeating that sequence until I had what I wanted.

First, the function locates the block of HTML that starts with the theater name, and discards everything before that.  Then it locates the first movie by looking for the a unique marker -- I chose a class name "movie_title" and again I lop off everything before that.  Next the code searches for two markers (">" and "<") that are directly before and after the movie name, and extracts just that name.

Eyeballing the HTML source, I can see that the scheduled times come soon after the movie name.  They are in a <TD> (TABLE cell data) block that contains a <UL> block.  So, I grab up the entire <UL> block data.  The last couple of lines of code replace the unwanted <LI> tags with commas and do some final cleanup.  The result is that we have two string variables, one containing the movie name and the other containing the schedule in comma-delimited format. After parsing part of the HTML
I'll let you take it from here.  If you wanted to develop this into a full-fledged utility, you would continue down the HTML page and collect the rest of the movie names and schedules.  Perhaps you might output them to a spreadsheet or print the data out using your own formatting... whatever.

Other, More Respected Techniques
Screen scraping is universally derided for several reasons.  It's messy and prone to errors.  But the main reasons is that if the source page layout ever changes, your webbot will break -- you'll need to revise the code to look for new markers and change how you parse.  Here are some thoughts about alternatives:

Rather than my stepwise technique, it is often possible to use grep (Regular Expressions) to zero-in directly on the target data.  Basically, that's what grep is all about.  Since you may not have ever used grep before, I decided not to introduce it here.
You could simplify some of the steps by digging into the DOM.  In this case, you might locate the desired TABLE element by its class name.  You could then walk through the child nodes, and collect data without doing the messy HTML parsing.  But that technique has the same major drawback:  If the page changes, the program probably breaks.
Sometimes it is easier to get to a printer-ready page and parse it.
It goes without saying that if the site provides an RSS feed or some sort of API to provide the desired data in machine-readable format, then by all means, use that!

In this part, we...
Opened a web page and read its HTML into a string variable for processing.
Set the ZOOM factor to 75% just because we could.
Avoided the problem of trying to access the DOM before it was ready by using a PumpMessages loop.
Saw that the IE internal HTML differs from the original source code.
Used the infamous "screen scraping" technique to extract program-usable data from the HTML.

IHTMLDocument2 Interface

HTML and DHTML Reference

DHTML Objects

TR1 Regular Expressions
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Comments (5)

Thanks for the three helpful documents.
Two quick questions:
1. Another essential task for WEB bots, is modifying the incoming page - perhaps removing unwanted ads or pictures, or changing other content.  
2. If the page contains frames, the elements are now contained in the frames, not the main document. How do you extract elements then?

Could you please provide a link, or an example to these?
Author of the Year 2009


hi yossikally,
It is quite possible to use the DOM to inject HTML into a page or remove it.  For instance, the IHTMLElement::put_innerHTML method ( lets you change the content of any element.  However, going into detail here would not be appropriate.  I suggest that you ask a new question or search the EE database.
Mark WillsTopic Advisor
Distinguished Expert 2018

Yossikally, if you do post a question, would you mind pasting the link to that question back here ? That way we can all benefit :)

DanRollins, maybe the comments suggest by yossikally might be an "Advanced" techniques follow up Article ? Would like to see that...

Thanks for your three part Article, enjoyed this series...


This was a great article. It was by far the best thing I could find on the web, about how to do this sort of thing in C++

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