VBScript and Task Scheduler 2.0 : Listing Scheduled Tasks

Over the years I have built up my own little library of code snippets that I refer to when programming or writing a script.  Many of these have come from the web or adaptations from snippets I find on the Web.  Periodically I add to them when I come across something I have not yet done.  Recently I needed to work with Task Scheduler 2.0 using VB Script.  I found that sample scripts were in short supply with most not having enough of the objects in them.  Luckily the Documentation is decent, but I still wanted a sample script.  Therefore I built a script for myself that would list all scheduled tasks and their properties.  I wanted to share for anyone else who was looking.

Task Scheduler 2.0 was originally released with the Vista operating system and should be the object used when looking at scheduled tasks in the newer Microsoft Operating Systems.  It will give you access to some of the many new options introduced in that version.  Since Task Scheduler 2.0 is not available on older operating systems, just be aware that this code will not work on those systems.

The script below will list all created tasks with their options and save it to a text file of “C:\TaskListing.txt.”  This file name and/or path can be updated at the beginning of the script (Line 7).    I have added a comment in each section with a link to the relevant documentation for that section.  The code has all the possible properties and conversions so that you can see all the options.  You should be able to easily pull out the pieces you need if you only want to look at certain types of scheduled tasks.  If you are unsure about any values, please look for the commented link for that section to see the official documentation for that object.

I have tested with several different types of scheduled tasks, but did not test every scenario.    If you find something that is wrong, please let me know.

Happy Coding!

The full Code:
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                      ' Script to list all Scheduled tasks and their available properties
                      '	Written for TaskSchedule 2.0
                      ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                      ' <<** Set Log File name and path here **>>
                      CONST LOGFILE = "C:\TaskListing.txt"
                      ' Option Explicit
                      Dim objFSO, objTextFile
                      Dim objTaskService, objTaskFolder, colTasks
                      Dim objTask, strstrTaskState
                      Dim objTaskDefinition, colActions, objTaskAction, arrAttachments, strAttachment
                      Dim colHeaderFields, objHeaderPair
                      Dim objPrincipal, objRegistrationInfo, objTaskSettings, objIdleSettings, objTaskNetworkSettings
                      Dim colTaskTriggers, objTaskTrigger, objTaskRepitition
                      ' Write Task Data to a File 
                      Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                      Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(LOGFILE)
                      ' Create the TaskobjTaskService object and connect
                      Set objTaskService = CreateObject("Schedule.Service")
                      call objTaskService.Connect()
                      ' Get the task folder that contains the tasks. 
                      Set objTaskFolder = objTaskService.GetFolder("\")
                      ' Get all of the tasks (Enumeration of 0 Shows all including Hidden.  1 will not show hidden)
                      Set colTasks = objTaskFolder.GetTasks(0)
                      If colTasks.Count = 0 Then 
                          objTextFile.WriteLine "No tasks are registered."
                          For Each objTask In colTasks
                      		' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa382079%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
                      		With objTask
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine "Task Name: " & .Name 
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -Enabled:" & .Enabled
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -LastRunTime:" & .LastRunTime
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -LastTaskResult:" & .LastTaskResult
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -NextRunTime:" & .NextRunTime
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -NumberOfMissedRuns:" & .NumberOfMissedRuns
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -Path:" & .Path
                      			Select Case .State 
                      				Case "0"
                      					strTaskState = "Unknown"
                      				Case "1"
                      					strTaskState = "Disabled"
                      				Case "2"
                      					strTaskState = "Queued"
                      				Case "3"
                      					strTaskState = "Ready"
                      				Case "4"
                      					strTaskState = "Running"
                      			End Select
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -Task State: " & .State & "=" & strTaskState
                      			' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa382542%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
                      			Set objTaskDefinition = .Definition
                      			With objTaskDefinition
                      				objTextFile.WriteLine " -TASK DEFINITION"
                      				objTextFile.WriteLine "   -Data:" & .Data
                      				Set colActions = objTaskDefinition.Actions
                      				For each objTaskAction in colActions
                      					With objTaskAction
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "   -ACTIONS"
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ID:" & .Id
                      						Select Case .Type
                      							Case 0
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & "= Execute / Command Line Operation"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Arguments :" & .Arguments  
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Path:" & .Path
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -WorkingDirectory:" & .WorkingDirectory
                      							Case 5
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & "= Handler"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ClassId:" & .ClassId 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Data:" & .Data 
                      							Case 6
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & "= Email Message"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -From:" & .From
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ReplyTo:" & .ReplyTo 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -To:" & .To 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Cc:" & .Cc
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Bcc:" & .Bcc 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Subject:" & .Subject
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Body:" & .Body
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Server:" & .Server
                      								arrAttachments = .Attachments
                      								For each strAttachment in arrAttachments 
                      									objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Attachment:" & strAttachment
                      								Next 'strAttachment
                      								Set colHeaderFields = .HeaderFields
                      								For each objHeaderPair in ColHeaderFields
                      									objTextFile.WriteLine "     -HeaderName:" & objHeaderPair.Name  & " | Value:" & objHeaderPair.Value
                      								Next 'objHeaderPair
                      							Case 7
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & "=Message Box"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Title:" & .Title
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MessageBody:" & .MessageBody
                      						End Select
                      					End With 'objTaskAction
                      				Next ' objTaskAction
                      				' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa382071%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
                      				Set objPrincipal = .Principal
                      				objTextFile.WriteLine "   -PRINCIPAL"
                      				With objPrincipal
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ID:" & .Id
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DisplayName:" & .DisplayName
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -GroupId:" & .GroupId
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ID:" & .Id
                      					Select Case .LogonType
                      						Case 0
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = None"
                      						Case 1
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Password"
                      						Case 2
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Service 4 Users"
                      						Case 3
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Interactive (User Must be logged in)"
                      						Case 4
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Group"
                      						Case 5
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Local Service/System or Network Service"
                      						Case 6
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .LogonType & " = Interactive Token then Try Password"
                      					End Select
                      					Select Case .RunLevel
                      						Case 0 
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunLevel:" & .RunLevel & " = Least Privileges (LUA)"
                      						Case 1 
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunLevel:" & .RunLevel & " = Highest Privileges"
                      					End Select
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -UserId:" & .UserId
                      				End With 'objPrincipal
                      				Set objRegistrationInfo = .RegistrationInfo
                      				objTextFile.WriteLine "   -REGISTRATION INFO"
                      				With objRegistrationInfo
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Author:" & .Author
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Date:" & .Date
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Description:" & .Description
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Date:" & .Date
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Documentation :" & .Documentation 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -SecurityDescriptor:" & .SecurityDescriptor 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Source:" & .Source
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -URI:" & .URI
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Version:" & .Version
                      				End With 'objRegistrationInfo
                      				Set objTaskSettings = .Settings
                      				objTextFile.WriteLine "   -TASK SETTINGS"
                      				With objTaskSettings
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -AllowDemandStart:" & .AllowDemandStart
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -AllowHardTerminate:" & .AllowHardTerminate
                      					Select Case .Compatibility
                      						Case 0
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Compatibility:" & .Compatibility & " = compatible with the AT command"
                      						Case 1
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Compatibility:" & .Compatibility & " = compatible with Task Scheduler 1.0"
                      						Case 2
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Compatibility:" & .Compatibility & " = compatible with Task Scheduler 2.0 (Windows Vista / Windows 2008"
                      						Case 3 ' Not Documented
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Compatibility:" & .Compatibility & " = compatible with Task Scheduler 2.0 (Windows 7 / Windows 2008 R2"
                      					End Select
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DeleteExpiredTaskAfter:" & .DeleteExpiredTaskAfter
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DisallowStartIfOnBatteries:" & .DisallowStartIfOnBatteries
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Enabled:" & .Enabled
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ExecutionTimeLimit:" & .ExecutionTimeLimit
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Hidden:" & .Hidden
                      					Select Case .MultipleInstances
                      						Case 0
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MultipleInstances:" & .MultipleInstances & " = Run in Parallel"
                      						Case 1
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MultipleInstances:" & .MultipleInstances & " = Add to Queue"
                      						Case 2
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MultipleInstances:" & .MultipleInstances & " = Ignore New"
                      					End Select
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Priority:" & .Priority & " (0=High / 10= Low)"
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RestartCount:" & .RestartCount 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RestartInterval:" & .RestartInterval
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunOnlyIfIdle:" & .RunOnlyIfIdle
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable:" & .RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -StartWhenAvailable:" & .StartWhenAvailable 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -StopIfGoingOnBatteries:" & .StopIfGoingOnBatteries 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -WakeToRun:" & .WakeToRun 
                      					Set objIdleSettings = .IdleSettings 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -IDLE SETTINGS"
                      					With objIdleSettings
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -IdleDuration:" & .IdleDuration
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -RestartOnIdle:" & .RestartOnIdle
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -StopOnIdleEnd:" & .StopOnIdleEnd
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -WaitTimeout:" & .WaitTimeout
                      					End With 'objIdleSettings
                      					Set objTaskNetworkSettings = .NetworkSettings 
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "     -NETWORK SETTINGS"
                      					With objTaskNetworkSettings
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -ID:" & .Id
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "       -Name:" & .Name
                      					End With 'objTaskNetworkSettings
                      				End With 'objTaskSettings
                      				Set colTaskTriggers = .Triggers
                      				For Each objTaskTrigger in colTaskTriggers
                      					objTextFile.WriteLine "   -TRIGGER"
                      					With objTaskTrigger
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Enabled:" & .Enabled
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Id:" & .Id
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -StartBoundary:" & .StartBoundary
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -EndBoundary:" & .EndBoundary
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -ExecutionTimeLimit:" & .ExecutionTimeLimit
                      						Select Case .Type
                      							Case 0
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Event"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Delay:" & .Delay
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Subscription :" & .Subscription 
                      							Case 1
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Time"
                      							Case 2
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Daily"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DaysInterval:" & .DaysInterval
                      							Case 3
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Weekly"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -WeeksInterval:" & .WeeksInterval
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DaysOfWeek:" & .DaysOfWeek & "=" & ConvertDaysOfWeek(.DaysOfWeek)
                      							Case 4
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Monthly"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DaysOfMonth:" & .DaysOfMonth & "=" & ConvertDaysOfMonth(.DaysOfMonth)
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MonthsOfYear:" & .MonthsOfYear & "=" & ConvertMonthsofYear(.MonthsOfYear)
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RandomDelay:" & .RandomDelay 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunOnLastDayOfMonth :" & .RunOnLastDayOfMonth  
                      							Case 5
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Monthly on Specific Day"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -DaysOfWeek:" & .DaysOfWeek & "=" & ConvertDaysOfWeek(.DaysOfWeek)
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -MonthsOfYear:" & .MonthsOfYear & "=" & ConvertMonthsofYear(.MonthsOfYear)
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RandomDelay:" & .RandomDelay 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -RunOnLastWeekOfMonth :" & .RunOnLastWeekOfMonth  
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -WeeksOfMonth:" & .WeeksOfMonth & "=" & ConvertWeeksOfMonth(.WeeksOfMonth)
                      							Case 6
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = When Computer is idle"
                      							Case 7
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = When Task is registered"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Delay:" & .Delay
                      							Case 8
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Boot"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Delay:" & .Delay
                      							Case 9
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Logon"
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Delay:" & .Delay
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -UserId:" & .UserId
                      							Case 11 
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Type:" & .Type & " = Session State Change"
                      								Select Case .StateChange
                      									Case 0
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = None"
                      									Case 1
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = User Session Connect to Local  Computer"
                      									Case 2
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = User Session Disconnect from Local Computer"
                      									Case 3
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = User Session Connect to Remote Computer"
                      									Case 4
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = User Session Disconnect from Remote Computer"
                      									Case 7
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = On Workstation Lock"
                      									Case 8
                      										objTextFile.WriteLine "     -LogonType:" & .StateChange & " = On Workstation Unlock"
                      								End Select
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -Delay:" & .Delay
                      								objTextFile.WriteLine "     -UserId:" & .UserId
                      						End Select
                      						Set objTaskRepitition = .Repetition
                      						objTextFile.WriteLine "     -REPITITION"
                      						With objTaskRepitition
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "       -Duration:" & .Duration
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "       -Interval:" & .Interval
                      							objTextFile.WriteLine "       -StopAtDurationEnd:" & .StopAtDurationEnd
                      						End With 'objTaskRepitition
                      					End With 'objTaskTrigger
                      				Next 'objTaskTrigger
                      			End With 'objTaskDefinition
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine " -XML:" & .XML
                      			objTextFile.WriteLine "****************************************"
                      		End With 'objTask
                      End If
                      msgbox "Done"
                      Function ConvertDaysOfMonth(BitValue)
                      	Dim strMsg
                      	If BitValue AND &H01& Then strMsg = "1"
                      	If BitValue AND &H02& Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "2"
                      	End If
                      	If BitValue AND &H04&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "3"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H08&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "4"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H10&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "5"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H20&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "6"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H40&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "7"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H80&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "8"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H100&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "9"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H200&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "10"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H400&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "11"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H800&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "12"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H1000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "13"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H2000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "14"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H4000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "15"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H8000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "16"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H10000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "17"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H20000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "18"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H40000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "19"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H80000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "20"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H100000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "21"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H200000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "22"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H400000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "23"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H800000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "24"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H1000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "25"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H2000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "26"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H4000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "27"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H8000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "28"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H10000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "29"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H20000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "30"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H40000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "31"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND &H80000000&  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "LAST"
                      	End if
                      	ConvertDaysOfMonth = strMsg
                      End Function
                      Function ConvertDaysOfWeek(BitValue)
                      	Dim strMsg
                      	If BitValue AND 1 Then strMsg = "Sunday"
                      	If BitValue AND 2 Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Monday"
                      	End If
                      	If BitValue AND 4  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Tuesday"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 8  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Wednesday"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 16  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Thursday"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 32  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Friday"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 64  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Saturday"
                      	End if
                      	ConvertDaysOfWeek = strMsg
                      End Function
                      Function ConvertMonthsofYear(BitValue)
                      	Dim strMsg
                      	If BitValue AND  1 Then strMsg = "January"
                      	If BitValue AND 2 Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "February"
                      	End If
                      	If BitValue AND 4  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "March"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 8  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "April"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 16  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "May"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 32  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "June"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 64  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "July"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 128  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "August"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 256  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "September"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 512  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "October"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 1024  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "November"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 2048  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "December"
                      	End if
                      	ConvertMonthsofYear = strMsg
                      End Function
                      Function ConvertWeeksOfMonth(BitValue)
                      	Dim strMsg
                      	If BitValue AND  1 Then strMsg = "First"
                      	If BitValue AND 2 Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Second"
                      	End If
                      	If BitValue AND 4  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Third"
                      	End if
                      	If BitValue AND 8  Then
                      		If len(strMsg) > 0 Then strMsg = strMsg & ", "
                      		strMsg = strMsg & "Fourth"
                      	End if
                      	ConvertWeeksOfMonth = strMsg
                      End Function

Open in new window

For those that want a little more detail, I will break down the code:

Lines 25-26:
First you have to instantiate an object to access the tasks.  For Task Scheduler 2.0 you also have to run the connect method.

Line 29:
In Task Scheduler 2.0 you can group tasks together into different folders.  With this object you can limit you query to just a certain folder or just use “\” to get the root folder.

Line 32:
Grab the collection of Tasks.  If you use an enumeration of 0 for GetTasks, you will get a list of all tasks including those that are “hidden.”  An enumeration of 1 will not show the hidden tasks.  You can also use .GetTask to get a specific task.

Lines 40-59:
Make sure something was returned and then start looping through the collection.  First I list the basic Task Values for the found task (Name, Enabled Flag, etc.)

Lines 62-106:
Get access to the the complex Definition object. Then determine what kind of action is taken by the task (command line, Handler, Email, or Message Box) and show the properties that are populated by that type of task.

Lines 109-140:
The Principal object shows the User and Privileges of the task from the General Tab.  One key element here is the Run Level which equates to the "Run with highest privileges" check box.

Lines 143-155:
Registration Information about who or what created this task.

Lines 158-211:
Values from the Settings tab of the Task.  

Lines 215-283:
This will show each Trigger created on the Triggers tab.  Some of the triggers can only be created in code and this will show all types (Event, Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Monthly on specific days, when the computer is idle, when the task is set up, Boot, Logon, and session state change).  Many of the values in this section are stored as bit flags (see this excellent EE article to understand bit flags more - https://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Misc/A_1842-Binary-Bit-Flags-Tutorial-and-Usage-Tips.html).  Lines 307-541 contains four conversion routines that convert those bit flags into meaningful text based on the enumeration documentation for Task Scheduler.

Lines 285-291:
Each trigger also has a repeat setting - once the task is started, should it keep running and how often.

Line 297:
Each task is actually represented in an XML document.  Here I print the full XML.  You could just grab this object and through it into a DomDocument and parse out the settings from the full XML.

Comments (2)

First, EXCELLENT article/explanation. Your articles on Task Scheduler 2 are the only ones I've found. Any thoughts on what could be done to list tasks created by other local and/or domain accounts? The script works on my computer but does not show all tasks in the "root". Some tasks that aren't enumerated use a domain service account (which I don't have permission to).

Windows 7 SP 1, 32 bit.  I'm an administrator on the computer, administrator for computers in my OU (not full domain/forest administrator).

Experts Exchange owes you one because you're the only reason I've decided to get a paid account.


Polito T,

I am glad you found the article helpful and thanks for the kind words.  

Concerning your question, you would be best suited to handle this as a question in the VBscript forum.  That is monitored by some really smart people, who can also jump in to help out if the article author is not available.  I don't have an easy answer to your questions at hand.  It may take some back and forth work that will best be done as forum question.  I have some questions about what you see and want to keep a lengthy discussion out of the article comments.  if you do open a question, you could post a link here and I can go check it out.

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